Wise Payment Systems Review

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UPDATE 3/7/2019: The Wise Payment Systems website (wisepaymentsystems.com) is no longer active, and Google lists the company as permanently closed. It is likely that the company's leadership has fully shifted its attention to the AdvoPay brand. If you have any information about the fate of Wise Payment Systems, please share it in the comment section below this review.

Wise Payment Systems, Inc. (wisepaymentsystems.com) is a merchant account provider based out of Indiana that serves merchants throughout the United States. Founded in 1998, Wise Payment Systems is “powered” by National Processing Company (NPC), which means that Wise likely resells NPC contracts or relies on NPC for its processing network. The company's corporate address is located at 8477 Fishers Center Drive, Fishers, Indiana 46038. Wise Payment Systems is a registered ISO/MSP of First National Bank of Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska. The company also appears to share ownership with another provider named “Advopay.”

As of this update, the Wise Payment Systems website appears to be under construction or inactive. This may simply be routine maintenance or it may reflect that the company is rebranding itself. It is possible that the Wise Payment Systems name may ultimately be retired in order to move all business to Advopay; merchants should be sure to obtain clarification as to which company they are dealing with. The CEO of both Advopay and Wise Payment Systems is William Wise.

Wise Payment Systems Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support No
Most Common Complaint N/A

We were unable to locate any negative Wise Payment reviews on other consumer protection websites, but there are three complaints to be found on Ripoff Report regarding the company’s DBA of AdvoPay. There is a lengthly exchange between a dissatisfied merchant and a company representative in the comment section of this review that details a misunderstanding over the company’s termination policy. Although a company representative responded professionally to the merchant, the official stance of Wise Payments appears to be that the merchant is responsible for contract terms that the merchant claims to have never received. Business owners should be sure to read both the merchant contract provided by Wise Payment at the point of signing and any program guides that ship with the company’s equipment.

Wise Payment’s relationship with National Processing Company suggests that the company outsources its customer support to the larger processor, which could result in Wise Payment complaints being redirected to National Processing Company. Overall, though, the general lack of public complaints accusing Wise Payments of being a ripoff or scam company compels us to award the company an “B” in this category.

Wise Payment Systems Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
Product & Service Complaints 0
Billing & Collection Complaints 2
Advertising & Sales Complaints 0
Guarantee & Warranty Complaints 0
Delivery Complaints 0

Note: We have adjusted this company’s BBB rating according to our own standards. To better understand why we adjust BBB ratings, please see our Rating Criteria.

Wise Payment Systems gained Better Business Bureau accreditation in 2002 and currently maintains an “A+” rating. Four complaints have been registered against the company, all of which are billing and collection issues. All complaints were fully resolved with BBB assistance. Since it is our philosophy that “A+” ratings should be reserved for companies with zero complaints, we have adjusted the BBB’s rating to an “A” in this instance.

Wise Payment Systems Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Swiped Rate Variable
Keyed-in Rate Variable
Early Termination Fee $350
PCI Compliance Fee Variable
Equipment Lease Terms Variable

There is not a lot of publicly available information about standard contract length or termination fees associated with the standard Wise Payment Systems contract, but the company’s website disclosed standard fees including a $40 application fee, a $95 reprogramming fee, a $10 monthly service fee, and a $5 statement fee. These fees are discounted for preferred applicants. We also received two complaints in the comment section of this review that cited a five-year agreement with a $350 early termination fee. As a likely reseller of National Processing Company, it is possible that the standard Wise Payment Systems contract closely resembles the standard NPC contract, which is usually a three-year agreement with a $250 cancellation fee.

However, given Wise Payment’s various marketing promotions, the terms of any Wise Payment contract are likely to vary depending on business type, processing volume, and time in business. If you have any information regarding Wise Payment’s merchant account agreement, please leave it in the comment section below.

Wise Payment Systems Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Employs Independent Resellers No
Advertises Deceptive Rates No
Discloses All Important Terms Yes

Wise Payment Systems appears to primarily market its services through partnerships with the Greater Indianapolis and Exeter Area Chambers of Commerce. When it was active, the company’s home page would direct visitors to two sites specifically related to these two entities, and Wise Payment would offer discounts to members of either organization. These websites quoted a wide variety of different rate structures that depended on membership status in these two chambers of commerce. These rates did not appear to be deceptive in nature, but it is worth mentioning that the pages appeared to list PIN-debit transaction fees and not credit card processing rates. Merchants should not interpret any of the rates on these pages to be swiped or keyed rates for credit card transactions.

Our Wise Payment Systems Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

Wise Payment Systems rates as an above average merchant services provider by our standards. The company appears to resell National Processing Company services and has a very low complaint rate. Wise Payment Systems can improve its overall rating by eliminating some of the fees for applicants who are not members of two central Indiana-based chambers of commerce and clearly providing its contract terms to all merchants. The company’s rating may change if its website continues to experience downtime for an extended period.

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Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Wise Payment Systems Treat You?

6 User Reviews

  • Zuwang Lin

    Just to warn all the future customers, don’t use Wise Payment System (or AdvoPay, the same company, different name). They automatically renew your contract without informing you, so you always get charged for “early termination fee” at the end, no matter how many years you have been with them.
    I had been a customer with them for 4.5 years, after I closed my accounts, I was charged $700 “early termination fee”. I contacted them to dispute this exorbitant “early termination fee”, they told me that my original 3-year contract was “automatically renewed” for another 3 years. And since I used two credit card machines (two accounts) in my restaurant, I was charged $350 each for “early termination fee”, not the equipment fee, I returned the credit card machines to them after I closed my accounts.
    The “automatic renewal” term was never disclosed to me before I closed my accounts. I saved the original copy of application document which they provided to me by email attachment 4.5 years ago at application phase, the “automatic renewal” term was not included in the application document at all, so it’s not disclosed to me at time of signature. They admitted this fact in their own letter by saying that the “automatic renewal” term was included in a “welcome packet” which was sent to me AFTER I accepted their service, but they cannot provide any proof of delivery of the “welcome packet” which I have NEVER received from them.
    Above all, stay away from this greedy company “Wise Payment System” or “AdvoPay “.

    • Jason Spector


      While you and I have personally been back and forth with this situation over the past month It is quite disturbing that you would post such negative remarks after utilizing our services for four and a half years and to my understanding, quite satisfied with the services we provided to you during this time. What you are forgetting to mention in your comments is that you completed the initial term and “anticipated” that your contract would continue on a month to month basis. Specifically, your signature and personal guarantee indicates that you fully understand the terms of the Merchant Processing Agreement that was provided to you (2 copies with FedEx and UPS delivery), outlining all program rules, guidelines and renewal policies.

      Having an “A” rating with the Better Business Bureau I can assure you that we are a quality company that provides our merchant clients a variety of value added services and benefit to their company. The complaint posted here is quite an elaboration of misleading facts as a result of our customer of over four years experiencing changes in their business and cancelling a legal binding agreement of terms for service.

      Due in nature to this specific customers continual elaboration of misleading facts, we fully anticipate another posting to this site. Again, while we have been in business for many years, consistently maintained an “A” rating with the Better Business Bureau all while servicing thousands of merchant clients on a daily basis our focus remains the same,

      * Provide effective education that empowers our clients to meet their objectives.
      * Remain on the forefront of innovation by providing integrated service solutions
      * Exceed our clients demands for transparency, speed and efficiency.

      Thank you,

      Jason Spector
      Chief Strategy Officer

      • Zuwang Lin

        Mr. Spector is a dishonest business man. What he claimed in his response was not true. The hard fact is that his company (Wise Payment Systems) failed to disclose the “automatic renewal” term to me at time of signature. He was distorting this fact by playing a bait and switch game with DIFFERENT versions of “Merchant Process Agreement”.

        The first version of the “Agreement” is the “contract” version, which was a part of the original “Merchant Application” package I received on 2/5/2009 at 12:55 PM by email attachment from Wise Payment System. This contract version “Agreement” was the ONLY agreement I received at application phase. On 2/6/2009 at 3:49 PM, I emailed back the signed “Agreement”(application/contract) to Wise Payment Systems by email attachment. Evidently, the “automatic renewal” term was not included in this “Agreement” (application/contract). I saved all the old emails and email attachments as evidence to document this fact that Wise Payment Systems failed to disclose the “automatic renewal” term to me at time of signature.

        The second version of the “Agreement” was send to me by email attachment by Michelle on 9/10/2013 after I closed my account. This “Merchant Processing Agreement” was dated as July 2012 version. According to this version, my account was automatically renewed for another 2 years (until February, 2014), and the early termination fee is $350 per “location”. I questioned the date of this agreement (2012 version), since I signed my contract in early 2009. I also questioned them why I was charged total $700 early termination fees, since it’s $350 per location, and I only had one business location with two credit card machines.

        The third version of the “Agreement” was sent to me in mail by Mr. Spector on September 12, 2013 after I questioned the date of their second version “Agreement”. This third version “Agreement” was titled as “Card Processing Agreement” with a version date of 2008. According to this version, my account was automatically renewed for another 3 years, and the early termination fee is $350 per terminal/account.

        Both the second and the third version “Agreement” were sent to me after I closed my account.

        Mr. Spector mentioned the UPS and Fedex delivery of 2 copie of the “Card Processing Agreement”. He was lying again, the UPS and Fedex shipments were for those two terminals (two credit card machines). Based on the receipt he provided in his email, the terminals were shipped on 2/11/2009 (UPS) and 3/2/2009 (Fedex), which was AFTER I signed the contract on 2/6/2009. I did received the terminals, and ONLY terminals, there was NO “Agreement” included in the shipments. On 2/11/2009 at 8:48 AM, I emailed Wise Payment System to ask about the shipment status of the terminals (credit card machines). At 10:16 AM of the same day, the company replied me with a UPS tracking number. The company did NOT mention that there was any important “agreement” included in the shipment, if it was really as Mr. Spector claimed that his company intended to ensure receipt of such an important document, they would have emailed me the document or at least notified me that it was shipped with the terminals. The former customer service representative didn’t mention such “agreement” at all throughout all her email conversations with me. I only received the terminals in the shipment, NO “Agreements”.

        The current address (8477 Fishers Center Drive, Fishers, IN 46038) listed on this company’s website (www.wisepaymentsystems.com) is incorrect, the correct one is the one listed in their BBB profile. The company’s 1-800 number (1-800-387-6458) is an unmanned number. I was trying to close my account since 8/7/2013 by calling this 1-800 number and Michelle’s direct line (317-813-2526). According to my call records (downloaded from my cell phone account online), I made total 16 phone calls between 8/7/2013 and 8/26/2013, and I was unable to reach any living human beings. When I called them, I always left messages with my name, account numbers, my phone number and my request to close the accounts, but they didn’t call me back until 8/26/2013, which is more than two weeks since I left my first message. The company evaded any attempts to contact them by listing incorrect address on their website, and by using unmanned customer service numbers and not providing call-backs after a reasonable period (2 weeks +). I guess if you leave a message for opening new account, they might call you back faster.

        Wise Payment Systems is only a sales agent, the card processing service is actually carried out by First National Bank of Omaha. Once you becomes a customer, all the customer service is through the Bank’s “Merchant Support Center” (1-800-683-2289), you only have to contact Wise Payment Systems again when you need to close your accounts. The fact that I was OK with the technical support offered by First National Bank of Omaha, doesn’t mean that I was satisfied with Wise Payment Systems’ service, actually the only service they offered is opening and closing the accounts.

        Here is a suggestion for small business owners: you don’t need to sign up for credit card service through any sales agent/company, who might be a dishonest one, nowadays, you can contact the big national banks directly, and you get the same credit card processing service with a much lower cost. At the beginning of this August, before I closed my accounts with Wise Payment system, my new business partner had already signed up with a national bank for credit card processing service, in last two months, each month we can save about $500, comparing with the higher cost of Wise Payment Systems.

        Here is another suggest for future Wise Payment System customers: please also search for reviews/complaints under the name of “AdvoPay”. Wise Payment Systems and AdvoPay are the same company or at least operated by the same group of people. When I contacted Wise Payment System ([email protected]) by email, all their responses were coming from AdvoPay’s email system (@advopayment.com). I searched these two companies on BBB, they have almost exact the same profiles, same business location, same management team, same business category, and same contact information. These two companies should be reviewed/rated together by combining all the complaints under each individual company.

      • Russell Mack

        I can attest to Wise Payment Systems hidden auto renewal and early termination. I was with Wise for about 5 years. When I signed up with them there was no mention of any contract or termination fee. . I had to pay $450 after I canceled when I found out the rates continued to climb every year until they became outrageous. Good news is it was cheaper to pay the fee than to continue with them until my contract expired. They are not a trustworthy company and I strongly suggest to anyone to go elsewhere. Their statement reads like a fee fest with all sorts of charges $94 semi annual fee for being a customer, never disclosed at signing. A $10 on file fee, for being a customer. A$5.00 statement fee for being a customer. I give them a F-

  • Chris Smith

    account number [redacted]. This is to inform you that we have called and talked to one of your reps and asked to discontinue your services only to be told we signed a five year contract. Your rep was told she was going to send this contract we supposedly signed and never did. Her name is Michelle and we called 10-15-12 . We never signed a 5 year contract nor would I have agreed to that. This is a warning to wise payments to stop services for this account immediately. We have attempted to call this scam of a company to not get anyone to answer the phones. If you do not stop this account immediately you will leave me know choice but to seek legal council. I will copy this letter and expect an answer before you draft another unauthorized payment from my account.

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