United Bank Card Review

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Updated 1/24/2019: The United Bank Card URL (unitedbankcard.com) now redirects visitors to the website for Harbortouch, where a message announces that “United Bank Card has changed its name to Harbortouch.” For information about Harbortouch, see our Harbortouch review.

United Bank Card (UBC – unitedbankcard.com) is a mid-size merchant services provider. Founded in 2000, the company provides merchant accounts and credit card processing and authorization services for credit, debit and gift cards; UBC also sells automated teller machines (ATM) and credit card equipment and software. The company headquarters is located in Hampton, New Jersey at 53 Frontage Road, Perryville Industrial Park.

UBC is an accredited business of the Better Business Bureau, with whom they maintain an “A+” rating despite 204 complaints filed against the company. These complaints include 95 problems with their service, 81 billing or collection issues, 26 advertising or sales issues, and two delivery issues. UBC has responded to all 214 complaints, resulting in 195 complete resolutions; 19 of these responses left the customer unsatisfied, though the BBB believes that a good faith effort was made.

Over 35 claims against UBC have been registered on other consumer protection websites. Common issues cited involve unexpected increases in monthly fees and difficulties terminating the service. In the comment section of many of these complaints, the Director of Support Services at UBC responded to the claims and left his contact information for follow-up.

United Bank Card Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

See our Harbortouch review.

United Bank Card Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

See our Harbortouch review.

United Bank Card Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

See our Harbortouch review.

United Bank Card Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

See our Harbortouch review.

Our United Bank Card Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

See our Harbortouch review.

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Testimonials & Complaints

How Did United Bank Card Treat You?

5 User Reviews

  • Donna Gilchrist

    I was hired by UBC to do bank referrals for 2 banks in CT and MA – was previously w another company, so I had already been educated to the good the bad and the ugly – Within a month of working for UBC, I saw deliberate abusive practices in what I feel were taking customers money w illegitimate fees -an example was a car dealership that was paying approx $500 in gateway fees a month for a stand alone terminal… That was plugged into an analogue phone line! The customer had NO idea they shouldnt have gateway fees – when I contacted my UBC director -he told me they would remove the gateway fees but raise the merchants rates. I told him “”I” am NOT going to tell a customer that- so you’re still stealing!”. I went to the Bank and informed the head of merchant relations there that “they had NO idea who they were sending their customers to ad explained the various experiences i had w seeing unethical practices and that i “knew” the difference because I lucked out and had worked with an ETHICAL company- Central Payment Corp, for several years prior. Even CPAYS Proposals break everything out in printed black and white so merchants can verify the valdity and math… NO scribbling or just throwing out savings #’s. The head of the Bank Merchant Services – DID NOT CARE!
    Why- Because BANKS are making LOTS of MONEY off of their customers as they are PRETENDING that their relationship will put merchants in a better place and safe – NOT!
    From my experience, and i have survived this industry since 9/2007… About ONE PERCENT of the companies in the industry are ethical and DISCLOSE EVERYTHING upfront and make sure merchants are NOT Taken advantage of. UBC… Is NOT one of them!

    Merchants DO have some responsibility in ending up in bad situations, however. They do business without checking references, reading and making sure they have hard copies of contracts with all info DISCLOSED “before” signing – and also DO NOT take it upon themselves to educate themselves as to what is normal and what is not. Also- merchants are SO quick to switch to save a buck and let someone else rush them into it (ie; you let someone control “your” business decisions) merchants often end up poundwise and penny foolish.
    The FIRST door I walked into in ’07 said “Get out I hate you people”. WHY am “I” different… Because I asked WHY and I learned and each door i went into I listened and learned and became the EXCEPTION to the rule.
    I “ALSO” learned… It is NOT always the company that is the issue – there IS a reason companies in this industry don’t HIRE employees- rather keep independent contractors – THIS way, companies have NO liability when Reps do wrong – some companies LOVE when Reps do wrong and fill their pockets and they can say -theyre independent contractors so we have no control over what they do- and they actually encourage thievery for greed.

    Some companies are the thieves and their agents are UNKNOWING, as I was when I first began working for UBC. Believed I was doing a good thing and putting people in a better place – once the contract was out of my hands… It was OUT of my control.
    There ARE companies – Central Payment Corp that I returned to, is one of them… That WILL get RID of and NOT do business with AGENTS that represent them poorly with integrity lacking practices and greed for fast pocket padding. Some companies understand if you respect a relationship and appreciate what you have and handle it properly, long term you keep your customers – whish is MUCH more cost effective also in the long run over having to rebuild new files and terminate acts over and over again. Though the integrity lacking companies that steal and people get fed up with, steal more when people go to cancel. A merchant taught me how to protect merchants in that situation from having even more losses.

    Unfortunately, our government doesnt make or enforce enough laws to protect merchants.

    Why – perhaps it also is making lots of money… Who knows~

    Would you buy a car or home without reading all the fine print and makins sure you HAVE a legal document to stand by?

    Consumers also have responsibility in what has been allowed to continue- uneducated ones or those expecting everyone else to handle their business – assist it.

    It’s not just the companies – UBD -DOES have good Reps and good people working with them. BUT – like the world we are in, there is good and bad everywhere and degrees to which it impacts us – Choose wisely when your allowing someone to have their hand in your piggy bank.

  • Neighbors Market

    Do not do business with United Bank Card or HarborTouch. I read their contract and crossed out the termination penalty provisions before signing and they began process as altered. In less than a year they began charging all kinds of invented fees. These fees were taken out of our account before we had notice. When we called to complain they reversed only one fee at a time. It became clear that we had entered into a cat-n-mouse game. We were told to email our complaint. We did so and received no response, so we gave them notice of cancellation by certified mail. Included in the cancellation was a withdrawal of all authorization to ACH our accounts. We notified our banks to return any attempted withdrawals which they did. However, UBC fraudulently changed their ACH code name and attempted more withdrawals. We had to file a fraud report with each bank to stop it.

    They sent collection notices for termination fees and penalties. We responded with copies of the contracts showing they had not been agreed to. The collection notices finally stopped, but then the big surprise hit. They filed a personal bad collection report with Experian and it looks like the fight is beginning all over again. So far Experian is listening more to them than me.

    These people are very bad. Now they are merged with HarborTouch, a provider of POS equipment. Heaven help the small business that allows them to control the entire money side of their business.

  • Jeff Phillips

    A UBC sales agent signed me up and then disappeared. We never received any service but we did receive a 390$ bill for signing the contract. I refused to pay until they hit my credit report 2 years later. Every department I tried dealing with at UBC just kept telling me that since I signed the contract that I owed the money. I don’t have time to post complaints but if I do not take the time then UBC will have more victims.

  • Lori Kietzmann

    This company forged signatures on a second contract. They charged ‘fees’ that were automatically deducted from my bank account. These fees were NOT in my contract (forged or not forged) or any part of my contract but that didn’t stop them. I had to close my bank account to avoid further charges. Now they are threatening to send me to ‘collections’ because I refused to pay my last invoice until they credited me the past amounts owed back. For example, I was charged a monthy ‘unlimited paper fee’ on my ecommerce account that doesn’t even have a machine… so I don’t need ANY paper let alone ‘unlimited’ paper. I was also charged a monthly fee for a wireless machine on a different account. These fees were not disclosed and when I found out about them… I canceled the wireless machine and send it back IMMEDIATELY. Although United Bank Card admitted they received the machine back, they never credited me for the monthy fees they charged for a machine I didn’t even have in possession. Simply stated, don’t use this company. They are crooks… like many others. Be careful who you choose to do business with and trust no one in the credit card merchant services industry.

  • N.A.Marketing Inc

    We once wrote most of our business ( about 60 merchant accounts )with UBC. We thought we signed up directly with them. We had terrible problems with getting excess charges or services removed and credited back to our merchants. As an example , it took over 60 e-mails and several months to remove a $12.95 fee and get the money refunded for just one merchant.
    After two years of writing contracts with them our monthly merchant history reports stopped and about 9 months later our residuals also stopped. This was said to a be low volume takeover of my accounts. Proof was never produced and we doubt if that was true.
    We also discovered that we were evidently signed up under River Cohen and his separate company, who worked for UBC and not signed up directly with UBC. He must have altered the original UBC app after we sent it to him. We also found that some credit card machines he or UBC sold us were still owned by UBC. We bought them to lease out to our merchants. There are more issues and questionable practices. Together UBC and River Cohen and his company screwed everybody !

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