Revolution Payment Systems Reviews & Complaints

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In this review of Revolution Payment Systems, we will provide a detailed overview of the company's payment processing solutions, including credit card processing, point-of-sale systems, and e-commerce services. We will discuss the pricing structure, contract terms, and customer feedback to give you a clear understanding of what Revolution Payment Systems offers. Additionally, we will examine the transparency of their fees, the quality of their customer support, and the overall satisfaction levels reported by their clients. By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding of whether Revolution Payment Systems meets your business's payment processing needs.

About Revolution Payment Systems

Revolution Payment Systems is a merchant account provider based in Hagerstown, Maryland. Also known as “Revolution Payments,” the company is an Elavon reseller that specializes in providing payments for government contractors, businesses, and suppliers, although it also serves many other business types. In particular, the company prominently advertises that it can supply the proper hardware and software to process Level 3 interchange transactions. The company also advertises Clover for POS solutions, cash advances, e-commerce solutions, and ACH processing.

Revolution Payment Systems Homepage

Revolution Payment Systems Products and Services

Payment Processing

Revolution Payment Systems handles credit and debit card transactions for a variety of business types. Their services encompass EMV and POS systems, cash advances, e-commerce solutions, ACH processing, data reporting and analytics, and fraud prevention.

B2B and B2G Processing

Revolution Payment Systems has expertise in Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Government (B2G) credit card processing. They provide solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of these transactions.

Level 2 and Level 3 Processing

A notable feature of Revolution Payment Systems is their focus on Level 2 and Level 3 payment processing. These levels capture additional transaction data, which can potentially reduce processing costs for businesses.

Gateway Solutions

Their gateway solutions are designed to facilitate seamless and secure online payment processing. These gateways support e-commerce transactions by ensuring data security and efficient payment authorization.

POS Systems Integration

For brick-and-mortar businesses, Revolution Payment Systems offers integration with various Point of Sale (POS) systems.

Automated Data Retrieval System

A key feature of their service is the automated data retrieval system. This technology helps merchants automatically populate invoice fields, which can qualify them for reduced interchange rates, especially in B2B and B2G transactions.

Secure Payment Solutions

Revolution Payment Systems prioritizes security by using advanced encryption and tokenization technologies.

Revolution Payment Systems Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support Yes
Most Common Complaint N/A
Recent Lawsuits No

Positive Reputation

We’ve found minimal negative feedback about Revolution Payment Systems on consumer protection forums, suggesting it’s not associated with fraudulent activities. While there’s a possibility that merchant complaints are directed at the company’s processor, Elavon, no substantial evidence supports this claim. Although there’s a single negative comment regarding the company’s Level 3 offerings, it’s counterbalanced by several positive reviews. If you have your own experience with Revolution Payment Systems, feel free to share it below.

Legal Standing and Penalties

There are no ongoing class-action lawsuits or FTC complaints against Revolution Payment Systems. Dissatisfied customers seeking resolution can explore reporting options with relevant regulatory bodies.

Customer Support Channels

Revolution Payment Systems offers a phone number and a contact form on its website, although their specific purpose (whether for support, sales, or general inquiries) is unclear. However, the scarcity of complaints filed against the company suggests an effective customer support department, resolving issues before they escalate to public forums.

Revolution Payment Systems Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
BBB Reports 0

No BBB Complaints

Revolution Payment Systems currently has an “A+” rating with the Better Business Bureau and is not BBB-accredited. The company has received 0 complaints since its BBB profile was created in December of 2017, and it has also not received any informal reviews.

An “A” Performance

Given the company’s clean record with the BBB in the year that its profile has been active, we agree with the BBB’s rating at this time. Readers should note, however, that there are good reasons to be skeptical of the BBB’s information.

Revolution Payment Systems Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Cancellation Penalties None
Monthly & Annual Fees Unclear
Processing Rates Interchange-Plus
Equipment Leasing Yes

An Elavon Reseller

Revolution Payment Systems is recognized as a reseller of Elavon merchant services. Contrary to Elavon’s standard rate structure, Revolution Payment Systems claims to offer exceptionally competitive interchange rates, specifically for business-to-business and business-to-government merchants.

Information about Revolution Payment Systems fees and contract terms, including specifics about their rate structure, contract duration, early termination fees, monthly minimum fees, and PCI compliance fees, is not readily available. The company, however, promotes a policy of no early termination fees.

On its website, Revolution Payment Systems features its use of Clover for payment processing equipment. The cost for typical Clover equipment ranges from $999 to $1,999. It remains unclear whether Revolution Payment Systems leases or resells this equipment.

Virtual Terminal and Payment Gateway Pricing

Revolution Payments extends its services to include virtual terminal and payment gateway offerings. Noteworthy features include encryption, PayPal integration, and support for recurring payments. The gateway is particularly proficient in processing Level 2 and Level 3 e-commerce transactions. Specific pricing for these services is not disclosed, but additional fees, such as gateway fees, technical support fees, batch fees, and transaction rates are generally applicable to e-commerce services.

No Contract Complaints

There are no prominent Revolution Payment Systems complaints regarding unfair pricing or hidden fees, suggesting that the majority of clients find the company’s terms satisfactory. However, without specific details, it’s challenging to compare the company’s rates to those of the most affordable merchant account providers. Customers with direct experience of Revolution Payment Systems’ contract terms are encouraged to share their insights in the comments below.

We recommend our readers to also consider our selection of the top-rated merchant accounts for further options.

Revolution Payment Systems Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Uses Independent Resellers No
Telemarketing No
Misleading Marketing No
Discloses All Important Terms No

Offering Level 3 Payment Processing

Level 3 payment processing was designed to facilitate B2G (business to government) transactions by providing interchange rates lower than credit card companies offer to merchants who are transacting B2B or B2C sales. However, some B2B merchants can meet the prerequisites to qualify for Level 3 interchange rates. With those exceptions aside, Level 1 payment processing rates are applied to B2C transactions while Level 2 is reserved for B2B transactions. Meanwhile, Level 3 payment processing is designed to lessen the impact of rates on business done on the basis of a government contract so governmental entities can avoid excess spending.

No Independent Sales Agents

Revolution Payment Systems appears to primarily market itself through referral partners and traditional marketing. There is no evidence at this time that the company makes use of independent sales agents or resellers, and we are unable to find any Revolution Payment Systems reviews that accuse the company’s sales staff of deceptive conduct. In fact, the company’s website specifically warns businesses against falling for misleading rate quotes and provides some examples of how its vaunted Level 3 processing system can save certain types of clients’ money.

This compares favorably to our list of best credit card processors.

No Misleading Advertising

The company earns an “A” rating in this category thanks to its low complaint rate and lack of deceptive advertising. That said, we always recommend that business owners consider a third-party statement audit to find and eliminate hidden fees.

Our Revolution Payment Systems Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

Revolution Payment Systems rates as a reliable credit card processing provider based on all available information. The company has garnered few complaints across consumer protection forums and avoids overtly deceptive advertising tactics, indicating a commitment to ethical business practices. Our overall rating for Revolution Payment Systems could change as more information about its contract terms becomes available. However, for now, it remains a solid option, even when measured against top overall payment processors.

Businesses seeking dependable service should consider Revolution Payment Systems, while remaining vigilant about thoroughly reviewing the fine print in contracts to ensure alignment with their specific needs. With transparent terms and responsible practices, it stands as a competitive choice in the payment processing industry.

Contact Revolution Payment Systems

Support & Contact Information
Title / Label Information
President and CEO Sean Jones
Address 22 Wayside Ave., Hagerstown, Maryland 21740
Toll-Free Customer Service (888) 790-3450
Additional Support Channels Online Contact Form and Live Chat

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Revolution Payment Systems Treat You?

7 User Reviews

  • LaPorche Jones

    The program is great. However I invested into the academy with a personal loan and was unable to receive a refund for the full amount. They advertise pricing for the samples for the program and what you have access for. I thought I work work this process online until I could quit my corporate job and transition to my other career while learning this business. You have to invest your fulltime in order to make this a successful business.


    We went through about 5 other cc processors in the first year of being in business, only to be deceived by their sales people promising level III processing, and not delivering. Since our customers consist of 100% US Government employees, this is an very important processing for us. We took another chance with Revolution Pyaments, who told us they could do it as many others had, and to our satisfied surprise they did exactly what they said they would do! Not only did they get us set up correctly, they were extremely responsive to any questions we had. Sean even called me on the weekend when he was out of country! Owning a company that prides themselves on customer service, it was amazingly refreshing to receive that same service from another business. I recommend Revolution to anyone starting a business, or like us, has been lied to repetitively by other merchant companies. You will be happy you did!

  • Government Marketplace LLC

    Government Marketplace LLC’s reference for Revolution Payment Systems.

    Laura has assisted in getting 2 accounts setup & running for Government Marketplace LLC. The level of service Laura has provided has been top notch and the entire process was very fluid and spot. We highly recommend her and the company itself to anyone looking for professional merchant accounts that are level 3 compliant.


    Government Marketplace LLC
    Accounts Receivable Department

  • Ravi Dahiya

    We just switched a couple years ago from different provider and couldn’t been happier since we always get a high-quality and friendly support from the Revolution Payments team. We’re always impressed by the quality of the information provided by the in-house staff. Plus, a real human being with industry knowledge is only ever a phone call away. I strongly recommend to call Sean who can educate you on your existing statement and help you to save money on the long run.

  • Claud

    We have been with Revolution Payments for a few years now. They are an amazing company that helped us significantly reduce our processing cost.
    Great support, customer service, and easy transition.

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