Merchant Fee Removal Reviews & Complaints

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In this review of Merchant Fee Removal, we will provide a detailed overview of the company's payment processing solutions, including credit card processing and point-of-sale systems. We will discuss the pricing structure, contract terms, and customer feedback to give you a clear understanding of what Merchant Fee Removal offers. Additionally, we will examine the transparency of their fees, the quality of their customer support, and the overall satisfaction levels reported by their clients. By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding of whether Merchant Fee Removal meets your business's payment processing needs.

About Merchant Fee Removal

Founded in 2016, Merchant Fee Removal is a merchant account provider that specializes in cash discount pricing. The company claims to reduce its merchants' fees to nearly zero by enabling them to offer a discount to customers who pay with cash. This has the effect of ensuring that customers who pay via card subsidize the cost of payment processing for the merchant. Cash discount pricing is distinct from zero-fee pricing in that it does not apply surcharges, but it is intended to have roughly the same effect. The company also advertises its use of Clover POS systems.

Merchant Fee Removal Homepage

Merchant Fee Removal Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support No
Most Common Complaint N/A
Recent Lawsuits No

Minimal Public Complaints

Currently, there are few Merchant Fee Removal reviews that accuse the company of fraudulent behavior. In fact, the only available reviews are two recent ones in the comment section below. While these reviews raise concerns, they represent a small fraction considering the company’s tenure. We will continue monitoring and update our assessment as needed. If you have your own experience with Merchant Fee Removal, please share it in the comments below.

Legal History and Penalties

We have not come across any ongoing class-action lawsuits or FTC complaints against Merchant Fee Removal. Customers with grievances against the company are encouraged to report them to relevant supervisory organizations for resolution.

Customer Support by Merchant Fee Removal

Merchant Fee Removal’s website offers only a customer support form and chat option. While the company receives an “A” rating in this category, its current customer support options do not meet the criteria for being classified as a top-rated customer service processor.

Merchant Fee Removal Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
BBB Reports 2

Clean Complaint Record

Merchant Fee Removal has a no rating with the Better Business Bureau and is not BBB accredited. The company has received 2 complaints in the last 3 years. The 2 complaints were resolved to the satisfaction of the client.

An “A” Performance

Given the company’s clear complaint record, we agree with the BBB’s rating at this time. Business owners should note, however, that there are good reasons to be skeptical of the BBB’s rating system.

Merchant Fee Removal Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Cancellation Penalties Variable
Monthly & Annual Fees Variable
Processing Rates 1.00% - 4.99%
Equipment Leasing Variable

Merchant Fee Removal Contract Terms

Currently, there is no publicly accessible information regarding the standard rates or contract terms for Merchant Fee Removal. It appears that the company may implement a standard surcharge of approximately 4% on all transactions at a merchant’s location. However, this surcharge is typically not applied to cash payments, as these do not require processing by Merchant Fee Removal. This approach potentially offsets the client’s payment processing fees. A notable consideration for this pricing model is the potential customer reluctance to an added charge of up to 4% for the convenience of using a credit card.

No Red Flags

As there are no reported complaints about the company’s contract terms, we give them an “A” rating in this respect. However, this rating is provided in the absence of concrete details about their specific pricing. At this point, it is challenging to conclusively determine if the contract terms of Merchant Fee Removal are as favorable as those found with the most affordable merchant accounts. Business owners looking for more options may find our compilation of the top merchant accounts beneficial.

Merchant Fee Removal Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Uses Independent Resellers Yes
Telemarketing Possible
Misleading Marketing No
Discloses All Important Terms No

Inside/Outside Sales Team

Merchant Fee Removal appears to rely on a combination of independently contracted sales agents and in-house staff to market its services. There is no evidence at this time indicating that the company engages in deceptive sales tactics, and we are unable to locate any Merchant Fee Removal reviews that report unethical behavior by the company’s sales staff toward clients. There is, however, a recent comment posted under this review from someone claiming to be an independent sales agent for the company. The commenter claims that Michael Richardson did not provide any support to the agent and refused to legally release them from their contract. This is concerning if true, and we will be keeping an eye out for any further such reviews.

This compares favorably to our list of best credit card processors.

Merchant Fee Removal Calculator

The Merchant Fee Removal website currently displays a calculator that claims to help businesses enter their current fees and calculate their savings through Merchant Fee Removal. In actuality, this calculator simply claims to save merchants 3.9% of whatever number they enter. Since cash discount pricing does eliminate the bulk of a client’s costs, this calculator is not technically deceptive. However, businesses shouldn’t rely on it as an accurate measure of their real potential savings.

No Misleading Quotes

Merchant Fee Removal does not appear to engage in any deceptive advertising strategies in its official materials. If you suspect that Merchant Fee Removal is charging you undisclosed fees, we recommend seeking a third-party statement audit to eliminate hidden charges.

Our Merchant Fee Removal Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

Based on all available information, Merchant Fee Removal ranks as a dependable credit card processing provider. Although there isn’t extensive information currently available about its sales tactics or contract terms, the company’s clean complaint record is an encouraging sign that reflects positively on its customer service and integrity.

Despite this promising indication, we urge readers to thoroughly scrutinize the terms of any contract they receive, even when dealing with companies that meet our high standards. Carefully reviewing the fine print ensures that no hidden fees or unfavorable clauses are overlooked, potentially affecting your business’s finances. Additionally, comparing Merchant Fee Removal’s pricing to that of top-rated merchant account providers is crucial in securing the most competitive and beneficial arrangement tailored to your specific needs.

Contact Merchant Fee Removal

Support & Contact Information
Title / Label Information
Managing Partner Michael Richardson
Address 7901 Cameron Road, Austin, Texas 78754
Support Channels Online Contact Form and Live Chat

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Merchant Fee Removal Treat You?

2 User Reviews

  • Lance Campbell

    Michael Richardson claims to be a Christian, but his lack of integrity says otherwise. I was recruited as an independent agent for his company. Once I find his paperwork, communication seems to ceased. In that I would never get training when requested or no response entirely. Only to assist me if there was a potential client to sale. I’ve asked multiple times for me to be released from our contractor agreement that takes both parties to agree, and he refused to send me a termination agreement letter.

  • Himanshu Gogna

    Horrible company to work with. Michael is a fraud. He will tell you everything you want to sign up for service. He will never deliver per expectations. If you tell him to cancel service he will pickup equipment and keep charging you for service. If same thing happened to you then please contact me and we can take legal action together.

Tell Us How They Treated You

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