Mercantile Processing Inc. Reviews & Complaints

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In this review of Mercantile Processing Inc., we will provide a detailed overview of the company's payment processing solutions, including credit card processing, point-of-sale systems, and e-commerce services. We will discuss the pricing structure, contract terms, and customer feedback to give you a clear understanding of what Mercantile Processing Inc. offers. Additionally, we will examine the transparency of their fees, the quality of their customer support, and the overall satisfaction levels reported by their clients. By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding of whether Mercantile Processing Inc. meets your business's payment processing needs.

About Mercantile Processing Inc.

Founded in 2006, Mercantile Processing Inc. is a merchant account provider that serves most business types. The company is partnered with Lavu and Vend as its preferred point-of-sale providers, and it can also provide payroll solutions for business owners. In 2021, Merchantile Processing acquired Coastal Cash Register.

Mercantile Processing Inc. Homepage

Mercantile Processing Inc. Products and Services

Payment Processing

Mercantile Processing Inc. offers payment processing for most major debit and credit cards for most business types, including small businesses and high-risk.

POS Systems

Mercantile Processing Inc. provides a selection of point-of-sale (POS) systems from reputable providers such as Lavu, Vend, and VetBadger.

Wireless Terminals

For businesses requiring mobile payment options, Mercantile Processing Inc. offers wireless terminals. These terminals are ideal for on-the-go transactions, providing the freedom to accept payments anywhere with ease.

e-Commerce Solutions

The company also delivers comprehensive e-commerce solutions, enabling businesses to conduct secure online transactions.

Recurring Billing

Recurring billing services are another feature available through Mercantile Processing Inc. These services simplify the process of managing ongoing customer payments.

Customer Data Mangement

Customer data management is an important aspect of the company’s offerings to support better decision-making and enhances customer relationships.

EMV Swipers

EMV swipers are provided to ensure secure, chip-enabled transactions. These devices meet modern security standards and protect against fraud.

Payroll Solutions

Payroll solutions are also part of the services offered by Mercantile Processing Inc to streamline payroll processes.

Payment Gateways

For businesses with diverse payment processing needs, Mercantile Processing Inc. offers access to a variety of payment gateways.

Gift Card and Loyalty Programs

Gift card and loyalty programs are available to help businesses retain customers and encourage repeat purchases.

ATM Machines

Mercantile Processing Inc. supplies ATM machines. These machines provide a convenient cash access point for customers.

Mercantile Processing Inc. services
The services offered by Mercantile Processing Inc.

Mercantile Processing Inc. Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support Yes
Most Common Complaint N/A

No Public Complaints

As of now, we have not found any negative Mercantile Processing Inc. reviews accusing the company of being a scam or ripoff. In fact, the credit card processor has garnered only positive feedback across various consumer protection websites. This suggests that Mercantile Processing Inc. maintains a proactive and responsive customer support team. If you have your own experience with Mercantile Processing Inc., whether positive or negative, please feel free to share it in the comment section below.

Mercantile Processing Inc. Lawsuits

We have not come across any outstanding class-action lawsuits or FTC complaints filed against Mercantile Processing Inc. Dissatisfied merchants seeking non-litigious action against the company should consider reporting their concerns to the relevant supervisory organizations.

Mercantile Processing Inc. Customer Support Options

The Mercantile Processing Inc. website provides general phone and email contact information. While Mercantile Processing Inc. receives an “A” rating in this category, its current customer support options do not position it as a top-rated processor for customer service.

Mercantile Processing Inc. Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
Total BBB Complaints 1
Response Rate 100%
Resolved Complaints 1

Clean Complaint Record

Mercantile Processing Inc. has an “A+” rating with the Better Business Bureau and has been BBB accredited since 2008. The company has received 1 complaint in the past three years. The 1 complaint was resolved to the satisfaction of the merchant.

An “A” Performance

Given the company’s clear complaint record, we agree with the BBB’s rating at this time. Merchants should note, however, that there are good reasons to be skeptical of the BBB’s rating system.

Mercantile Processing Inc. Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Swiped Rate 1.00% - 4.99%+
Keyed-In Rate 1.00% - 4.99%+
Early Termination Fee Variable
PCI Compliance Fee Variable
Equipment Lease Terms Variable

Mercantile Processing Inc. Contract Terms

Currently, detailed information regarding Mercantile Processing Inc.’s standard contracts isn’t available to the public. However, it’s probable that the company tailors its pricing and terms based on each merchant’s specific business model, geographic location, and processing history. Given the diversity of merchants Mercantile Processing Inc. caters to, it’s possible that they may offer long-term equipment leases to fulfill certain business requirements.

No Red Flags

The lack of any complaints about Mercantile Processing Inc.’s contract terms suggests a high level of satisfaction among its clients, which is commendable. However, without concrete details on their specific pricing structures, it’s challenging to compare their contract terms against the most affordable merchant accounts available. This absence of data makes it difficult to definitively assess the competitiveness of Mercantile Processing Inc.’s offerings.

Mercantile Processing Inc. Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Employs Independent Resellers No
Advertises Deceptive Rates No
Discloses All Important Terms No

Inside/Outside Sales Team

Mercantile Processing Inc. appears to rely on a combination of independently contracted sales agents and in-house staff to market its services. There is no evidence at this time indicating that the company employs independent sales agents, and we are unable to locate any Mercantile Processing Inc. reviews that report unethical behavior by the company’s sales staff. This compares favorably to our list of best credit card processors.

No Misleading Quotes

Mercantile Processing Inc. does not appear to engage in any deceptive advertising strategies in its official materials. If you suspect that Mercantile Processing Inc. is charging you undisclosed fees, we recommend seeking a third-party statement audit to eliminate hidden charges.

Our Mercantile Processing Inc. Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

According to all available information, Mercantile Processing Inc. rates as a dependable merchant services provider. While specific details about the company’s sales tactics and contract terms are scarce, its clean complaint record is a promising indicator of reliable service. Even when working with companies that receive high ratings by our standards, we encourage merchants to thoroughly scrutinize the terms of any contract offered. Comparing Mercantile Processing’s pricing with that of top-rated merchant account providers will help ensure merchants secure the best possible rates and service for their businesses.

Contact Mercantile Processing Inc.

Support & Contact Information
Title / Label Information
CEO Kyle Morgan
Address 32695 Roxana Rd., Millville, DE
Toll-Free Customer Support (877) 508-2831
Customer Service [email protected]

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Mercantile Processing Inc. Treat You?

2 User Reviews

  • Christy Scott

    MPI has been the absolute worst processing company we have ever worked with.

    In July of last year we discovered that they had issued us 1000 gift cards for their system with duplicate numbers, so only 345 unique numbers were assigned. We figured it out after much digging and customer loss. It turned out in some cases we had 4 customers with the same gift card number. Eventually, one of them mentioned that they didn’t know why they never had to reload their card.

    In the end, MPI cost us thousands of dollars, which they insisted they would make good on. We eventually dropped them in December 2019, but they have continued to charge us for monthly gateway fees and it has continued through June 2020, and we are still battling with this less than honorable company.

    I would love to know how to do a public review of MPI.


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