Lucrazon Review

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Overall Score
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How did they treat you?

UPDATE 2/1/2019: Multiple commenters have stated that Lucrazon is no longer active or responding to calls or emails at this time. Lucrazon's website remains active, but the company itself appears to have folded, possibly more than a year ago. Lucrazon's founder Alex Pitt may have moved on to other ventures, and he may be operating those ventures under a new alias.

Lucrazon ( and is an e-commerce merchant account provider that appears to maintain two separate sales channels to market two very different programs. The first, known simply as Lucrazon, is an all-in-one e-commerce solution that is similar to BigCommerce or Volusion.

The company's other branch goes by the name Lucrazon Global, and it appears to bear some resemblance to a traditional multi-level marketing (MLM) program. Lucrazon Global recruits e-commerce merchants to become Brand Partners for a one-time buy-in of $1,000 per unit plus $50 per month, and these Brand Partners are then encouraged to enroll other merchants in the program and earn commissions on the revenues generated through these referrals. The merchant's initial investment purchases Lucrazon's all-in-one solution plus the ability to set other business owners up with merchant accounts through Lucrazon. Although the company plainly states that Lucrazon is not a MLM enterprise, merchants should note that its Brand Partner program is structured so that members are encouraged to buy in for an initial amount and then recoup that investment by signing up other merchants with the program.

One report from a former 72-year-old Lucrazon investor named Josef Kofman who eventually sued Lucrazon for elder abuse can be found here. Aside from recounting a harrowing ordeal for Mr. Kofman, the report suggests that Lucrazon's founder has moved on to another venture called NetVence.

Lucrazon appears to have been launched in early 2014, although there is some evidence that it had a “prelaunch” phase of operations for an undetermined amount of time preceding its official launch. The company is a registered ISO/MSP of Merrick Bank, South Jordan, Utah, and is headquartered at 8855 Research Dr., Irvine, California, 92618. Alex Pitt is the founder and CEO of Lucrazon.

Lucrazon Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints 50+
Live Customer Support Yes
Most Common Complaint Sales Tactics

There are dozens of negative Lucrazon reviews to be found online that openly accuse the company of being a scam. Most of these reviews are found in the comment section below, and there are also multiple independent sources devoted to determining whether the company is a multi-level marketing program. Multiple complainants describe the company as a Ponzi scheme or pyramid scheme. Additionally, there are at least six complaints filed on Ripoff Report against the founder of Lucrazon, Alex Pitt. Some of these complaints accuse Pitt of refusing to pay his workers while operating a merchant services company that went by multiple DBAs including PayPro, National Payment Provider, and The Latino Coalition. Company representatives have responded to all of these complaints by flatly denying the accusations, so it’s difficult to determine which party is telling the truth.

Positive merchant reviews of Lucrazon’s services should be taken with a grain of salt, as those merchants may be Brand Partners of the company with a financial interest in selling its products. This dynamic makes it difficult to find unbiased reports of the company’s service, but the surge of complaints in the comment section of this review strongly support the accusations being made about the company’s Brand Partner program. Multiple merchants have reported investing thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in Lucrazon without seeing any significant returns. These reports have lowered the company’s score in this section severely.

Lucrazon Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
Product & Service Complaints 3
Billing & Collection Complaints 1
Advertising & Sales Complaints 3
Guarantee & Warranty Complaints 1
Delivery Complaints 0

Lucrazon has an “F” rating with the Better Business Bureau and is not accredited at this time. The company has received eight complaints in the past three years, with three related to the product or service, three due to advertising or sales issues, one having to do with billing or collections, and one related to a delivery issue. Lucrazon resolved one complaint successfully, while five complaints received no response whatsoever and the remaining two complaints either were resolved to the dissatisfaction of the merchant or did not receive a final evaluation from the merchant. The BBB cites the five unresolved complaints as the primary factor lowering Lucrazon’s grade at this time. We agree with the BBB’s rating in this case.

Lucrazon Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Swiped Rate Variable
Keyed-in Rate Variable
Early Termination Fee $295 Plus
PCI Compliance Fee $3.96 Per Month + $75 Per Year
Equipment Lease Terms Variable

Lucrazon offers different terms depending on whether a merchant opens an online store, purchases an online store with inventory included, or joins the Brand Partner program. Merchants who open an e-commerce store to sell their own products will be charged a one-time setup fee of $347 in addition to the rates charged by either PayPal or Braintree Payments. Lucrazon previously offered its own merchant account contract (available below), which included a three-year agreement with an early termination fee of $295 or Liquidated Damages (whichever is greater), a monthly minimum fee of $20, a monthly PCI compliance fee of $3.96, an annual PCI compliance fee of $75, a monthly service fee of $10, other assorted fees, and equipment leasing through Northern Leasing Systems (an “F” rated provider on As of this update, it is unclear whether Lucrazon still offers this merchant account option.

Merchants who do not already have a product to sell can open an online store using Lucrazon’s inventory and shipping apparatus. The cost to open this account includes a $547 setup fee and the associated payment processing costs. Merchants who wish to become Brand Partners must purchase an online store with Lucrazon’s inventory for a one-time cost of $1,197 plus payment processing costs. Brand Partners can then resell the company’s product to other merchants and earn residuals from those accounts. According to merchant complaints, the cost to become a Brand Partner was initially $1,000 per merchant account, with a minimum buy-in of 15 merchant accounts. The only way to recoup this large initial investment was to sell 14 of those merchant accounts to other business owners and earn residuals on them.

Lucrazon’s pricing has improved from the initial $1,000 setup cost, but it is still not especially competitive with similar e-commerce solutions. The company’s basic e-commerce package for existing merchants has a high setup fee and standard payment processing rates through PayPal and Braintree. Merchants who opt for Lucrazon’s standard merchant account will receive very poor contract terms. Lucrazon justifies the high setup cost by stating that it eliminates the cost of paying for a developer to implement its solutions. Development and implementation is a variable cost for most businesses, so Lucrazon’s fee isn’t necessarily cheaper than the cost of setup through competitors.

There are very few complaints from merchants who purchased Lucrazon’s e-commerce solution independently of the Brand Partner program. However, Brand Partners consistently complain that the product is not especially robust or unique compared to similar products within the industry. In addition, the structure of the Brand Partner program discourages merchants from publicly complaining about the product, which calls into question positive testimonials. If you have any experience with the standard Lucrazon merchant services contract, please leave that information in the comment section of this review. See the Lucrazon Merchant Application.

Lucrazon Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Employs Independent Resellers Yes
Advertises Deceptive Rates No
Discloses All Important Terms No

Lucrazon appears to market its service primarily through the company’s Brand Partner program, which encourages merchants to purchase Lucrazon’s e-commerce solution and then refer other merchants to Lucrazon in order to collect commissions. In this regard, the company’s customers also serve as its independent resellers, which is an uncommon approach within the credit card processing industry.

There has been some controversy over whether Lucrazon is simply a multi-level marketing scheme rather than a merchant services provider, and the company has responded to these criticisms in a public post found here. The opposing viewpoint is best explained in this rebuttal to Lucrazon’s claims, as well as in the more than 40 comments beneath this review. The debate seems to center around whether the company’s primary revenue source is its Brand Partner program through Lucrazon Global or its merchant account solution through Lucrazon merchant services.

We are unable to conclusively determine which party is providing accurate information at this time, but the balance of the evidence supports the claims of Lucrazon’s critics. The company has received a large number of complaints stating that merchants were deceived by sales presentations promising daily residuals between $9.00 and $15.00 for each account, only to receive less than two dollars per account per day (while paying a monthly fee of $50 to keep their own accounts open). Complainants also report disappointment with the quality of the company’s software, stating that it is buggy, outdated, and vastly overpriced. On top of these factors, it’s reasonable to assume that Lucrazon’s complaints could be even higher if Lucrazon’s Brand Partners weren’t incentivized to publicly portray the company in the best possible light. We will assign the company a “D” rating in this category in light of the overwhelming number of complaints it has received.

Our Lucrazon Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

Lucrazon rates as a poor all-in-one e-commerce solution according to our rating standards. The company has come under fire for its perceived marketing strategy and has attracted numerous serious complaints since its launch in early 2014. The unique nature of its Brand Partner program makes it unlikely that dissatisfied merchants will post their complaints, so merchants are cautioned to do as much research as possible about the company before signing up. The company’s grade may change as more reports come in regarding its service.

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Lucrazon Treat You?

46 User Reviews

  • Sonya

    Did you guys have any problem with IRS and how you guys solve this problem? I don’t remember the name of the bank that this people were using…it’s really sad to remember how some sh….of people can easily steal money…stay away from there…is totally scam

    • Art

      Lucrazon Global is using three banks:
      1. Bank of Ameica
      2. Wells Fargo
      3. Chase
      I still have the bank accounts and routing number but I’m pretty sure that those accounts are already closed and took all the money and run… Pretty sad that they scam out of our money. I too lost $30k.

  • Estefania

    Existen unas 500 personas en Europa que pagaron 1.050.- $ por sus e-commerce a Lucrazon y todavía están esperando que se activen, de esto hace ya un año, algunas de ellas han procedido a denunciar a la compañía y el resto ya están organizados incluso con la colaboración de la embajada Norte Americana. Tenemos toda la documentación que necesites para que te des cuenta de que esta compañía es una Estafa, los pagos realizados desde Suecia, Francia, España de personas que ni tan siquiera les han vuelto a decir nada desde que pagaron, con copias de e-mails escritos y no contestados. Este es un aviso para navegantes, la compañía es un fiasco y una estafa. No cuida a sus clientes, no contesta a los e-mails, en definitiva no merece la pena ninguno de sus productos ni servicios.

    • Translation on Estefania

      Author: Estefania
      There are about 500 people in Europe who paid $ 1.050.- for their e-commerce to Lucrazon and are still waiting to be activated since a year ago, some have proceeded to sue the company and the rest are already organized even with the support of the American Embassy. We have all the documentation. You need to realize that this company is a scam, payments made from Sweden, France, Spain or even people whom Lucrazon have not returned to say anything since they paid, with copies of e-mails written and unanswered. This is a warning to lucrazon website navigators, the company is a fiasco and a scam. No cares for its customers, does not answer the e-mails, ultimately not worth any of its products or services.

  • GreyXay

    Hello all. Has there been any news or update on Lucrazon? They are no longer at their Irvine office, and the contact number on the Lucrazone website re-routes to “Atlantic Pacific”. I need to get out and my website and dashboard are down. Any advice on how to do so? Is there a class action lawsuit going on? Does anyone know of a point-of-contact over there?

    Thanks in advance – X

  • MerchantPro LLC.

    Starting out after the so called pre-launch in Los Angeles, we had major problem with lucrazon from the start. Things just didn’t add up over time with this company.

    1.) Customer service was terrible, inconvenience, and lack of support for the last 12 months in business with lucrazon. Customer service provided wrong information, didn’t understand what a “Square” was regarding mobile swipes, being hung up on, long hold time, and lack of support. For months we felt abandon, on your own. Once in a blue moon they will send updates on websites and videos but there was not much of a change regarding brand partners websites.

    2,) “Andrew Ma” – Executive assistant/client relations & external affairs. He was our only go to person that we can rely on for information. Lucrazon also cost us a loss of a client “Macco”, because one of their reps couldn’t close the customer.

    3.) lucrazon did Not have any marketing material for the first 2 months in business. When lucrazon finally came out with marketing material it was just business cards and pamphlets, yet no in depth information that we can show the customer face to face to sale them. So every week and every-month we complained and complained. Only 2 times we had an executive call us in the last 12 months.

    4.) websites – our site still says 2013 at the very bottom, no updates, and no list of distributors they claim they have. And whats sad is that our account is in re-activation mode/closed. how can you close our account when we paid $50.00 every month and invested our $1000, thats called active no inactive. lucrazon stated we cant make the decision so we have to wait on the bank to give us permission to reactivate you.

    5.) lucrazon new we were in process of signing up a major city such as the city of Richmond, and had meetings with other cities yet LUCRAZON COULD NOT DO A CONFERENCE CALL WITH US SO WE HAD TO DO IT WITH “LEO DEBOUB” WHICH DOES NOT WORK FOR LUCRAZON, HE IS THE VISE PRESIDENT FOR APPS.

    6.) Anybody know who “Faye carter” is? She is the manager for the merchant services. she provides us with lies after lies. say we will have an executive give us a call, never happens. shes states lucrazon is working on updates, and that we will get back to you, or you should be getting emails. I’ve talk to her for 1 hour one day and still nothing was changed, still no help from lucrazon and no updates to our site.

    7.) Lucrazon was a waste of life, time, money and effort. Lawsuit is the only way to go and every brand partner should join the club in making this known.

    MerchantPro LLC.
    Detrick Williams

  • Will Hunt

    They imploded long ago. With continuing empty promises, failed systems, and continuous change of management/team it’s obvious the leadership killed a great thing. Greed took over, with poor maintenance. Its been nearly a year without any hope of resolute. Good luck with getting real answers from LG.

  • Eric

    Lucrazon Global is a scam. Just do your research and you will see for yourself the number of people who have been cheated by this company. I encourage whoever is reading this to visit their Facebook page and read the the countless complaints regarding the company. If you have lost money with lucrazon please do not stay quiet.

    Lucrazon Global is choosing to flat out lie about ever promising a $10-$14 daily bonus per business unit that would be paid out to eligible brand partners who joined the company before April 12th. They planned on using 10% of the company’s daily profit to do this. This compensation plan was being promoted over and over again during countless phone conferences, Saturday presentations, team meetings after presentations, and by word of mouth speaking to head figures/leaders of Lucrazon Global. I do not think it is ok for me to mention any names here on this thread, but I do have a few key lucrazon figures who were even promising upwards to $30 a day once the company launched over seas to Spain and South America.

    Something new I would love to share is another compensation bonus that was promised to members countless times. Mind you it has been a little over 7months since I joined the company and I still haven’t seen a hint of this bonus yet. Apparently after the company had created a business portfolio comprising of 10,000 merchant accounts they would sell off that portfolio to the banks earning 6x 15x to 30x the amount. At this point they would pay out 30% of earnings from the sale of this million dollar portfolio to every brand partner in the company. And another 30% would be dispursed amongst the top 20 teams with the most businesses under their belt. On top of this lucrazon stated that they would even offer to buy each brand partner out of the company if a brand partner was no longer interested in receiving monthly income. So your original business unit that cost you $1000 would be sold back to the company for no less than $6000 if you chose on walking away. It’s funny because if you try to get a refund from the company now. They will tell you they can reimburse you $50. if you offer to sell them the business units you purchased from them they will tell you you are more then welcome to sell your business units at half price to other members or outside people who may be interested in signing up with company..

    I hope this helps some people steer clear from this company. If not then I hope you do some more research before you decide to join. I have already come to terms with my $5000 loss and have learned a great life lesson. Unfortunately I have lost a few friends along the way who trusted me and joined his company in good faith. I didn’t even respond to the merchant services/ecommerce side of the business in the rebuttal but believe me it does not work. You will be waiting months for any kind of response from the company and when you get a response it will only let you down.

    The only big earnings that I have seen since I started with the company was the money I earned recruiting other members who put in there hard earned savings (thousands) like I did believing that the company would live up to what it was promoting and promising. Unfortunately it looks like we made the wrong choice. I hope the SEC fights for the thousands that members have lost and I look forward to seeing the downfall of lucrazon global. I hope no one else falls victim to them.

  • Lucrazon Global, LLC

    The following is in response to the comments here:

    Lucrazon Global, LLC was formed for the purpose of servicing the fast-growing digital marketplace by providing online and brick-and-mortar stores with a user-friendly website equipped with a shopping cart, credit card processing capability, a merchant account, and marketing and search engine optimization services. Lucrazon Global provides an all-inclusive ecommerce platform that allows customers to purchase an e-commerce store and obtain a merchant account. Customers are free to sell whatever product or service their business sells.

    Lucrazon Global sells service through independent businesses collectively referred to as Brand Partners. Every Brand Partner Business has its own web site with a unique URL and its own website and shopping cart builder, has its own bank account, and has its own merchant account. Every Brand Partner Business has their own agreements with their own customers. They are also responsible for their own sales, their marketing, as well as any potential chargebacks, and handling any other challenges that may arise with their business. Each Brand Partner receives payments directly from their customers.

    In order to become a Brand Partner, certain requirements must be met:

    Those interested in becoming a Brand Partner first go through a free trial that doesn’t require them to input credit card info or financial data so he/she can test the system and see if selling Lucrazon’s Ecommerce System and Merchant Services are right for them.

    If he/she is truly interested and dedicated to becoming a Brand Partner, they then go through a background and credit check in order for him/her to receive and activate their own Merchant Account. In addition, their information is cross-checked to make sure they’re NOT on a Merchant Termination file. The Brand Partner must pass underwriting guidelines according to Lucrazon Global bank’s relationships, and they must sign a Merchant Agreement.

    After they meet these requirements and Merchant Account is approved and active, only then can they pay for and activate their Brand Partner website. The payment does not come to Lucrazon Global, it goes to the Brand Partner’s bank account directly who sold the technology and ecommerce business. The cost is $1,000 one-time set up fee and $50 a month hosting and maintenance fee.

    Lucrazon Global, LLC has multiple ways of paying commissions. One of these ways is based around selling Ecommerce businesses, which is described above and attached with a $50 hosting and maintenance fee. The Brand Partner receives $50 directly from their customer and pays $40 to Lucrazon Global for utilizing Lucrazon Global technology, therefore profiting $10. The following month on the same date, the Brand Partner will receive the same amount for the monthly and hosting fees and this amount will continue every single month on the same date for the life of the account which provides a long term residual income.

    There are several complaints revolving around a $14 a day guaranteed payment that Lucrazon Global, LLC never advertised nor promoted. People that are unfortunately complaining were looking for “get-rich-quick” business models, and when they discovered that the Brand Partner Business wasn’t following this model, they got upset.

    Doug Thayer Complaint Response:

    Doug Thayer’s wife, Karen Kamman, applied to become a Brand Partner as Kaching Kollectibles through one of Lucrazon Global, LLC’s resellers, a Brand Partner, by the name of Giovanni Feretti. Giovanni Feretti is an independently run business with his own URL (, own Merchant Account, and is a standalone business that utilizes Lucrazon Global technology.

    Karen Kamman was declined by Lucrazon Global LLC’s Underwriting Team. Due to the declination of Karen Kamman’s Brand Partner Business, her husband, Doug Thayer is attacking, harassing and extorting Lucrazon Global, LLC.

    Doug Thayer’s history on Google: .

    Furthermore, Doug Thayer has fraudulently invoked the name of another company, Safe Care, so much so that the company maintains Doug Thayer’s picture on their web site as a public service :

    We are providing this information to protect the Brand Partners and their families particularly their children who in the future, may want do to business with Lucrazon Global. We recommend that all Brand Partners conduct a thorough search of Doug Thayer.

    Doug Thayer is less than credible and he continues to purposefully damage Lucrazon Global. Lucrazon Global’s Legal Team is handling this matter.

    Regarding other comments, as Lucrazon Global is completing Phase 2 of offering Pre-Selected Inventory Ecommerce Stores specializing in Organic Foods, it’s also finalizing the requested custom reporting and payment reconciliations for Brand Partner businesses.

    If you need more information, you can contact [email protected]

    Thank you.

    • Jay

      Doug Thayer is not even on this thread…. what about Andrea, William, Eric and all the other people listed here? Id say Lucrazon Global is the one that is not credible. How do you sleep at night? Good on our money I suppose. Alice looks like a nice person have her contact me and I will help her find another job not scamming people..

        • Jay

          It is interesting as it seems you are hiding behind a company name. Is this Alice? If you are afraid to put your name it might be because there are a lot of very upset people with you product. I know I am and it is because the whole thing was about getting rich quick. That was the pitch the entire time. Just go back and look at the youtube videos for proof. The person who brought me in is a well trusted friend who truly believe this could work. She is very sorry now as she lost a lot of peoples money. She is extremely successful in her other MLM business, in the top 5 in the company. I knew from the beginning that this was probably not going to work and was way too good to be true but I threw my 1k into the ring behind her 5k and my x wifes 6k just so I could quiet them down. It is what I suspected, a scam where the people at the top take the masses money at the bottom.


    • William

      You know what Lucrazon…. Many of these complaints are from people who got in early, just give us our money back and we will go away and only warn are close friends about the opportunity not worrying about the other people getting scammed. Its sad that the people who did trust you at the early stages of these got screwed. I have contacted countless people who were writing positive comment back in dec jan feb and they all sing the same tune now. “I was fooled” We all were. Live and learn. If I sank 8 or 15 k here Id be far more upset than I am. Now I just want to warn as many people as I can to look into what they are thinking about doing to see for themselves. I take satisfaction in knowing that I am influencing new prospects to stop for a moment and reconsider their decision to give Lucrazon their hard earned money. I believe my 1k loss is helping to prevent hundreds of thousands of dollars being invested in this scam and I am encouraging others to tell their truths about your company.; My next step is to do a video or audio interview with as many people as I can and publish it. Perhaps get it on 60 minutes or at the very least a popular internet radio show or two. Then the execs at Lucrazon will say, gee maybe we should have given him is 1k back…. They would think that if they were smart.


      • Stella

        Warning. DO NOT join Lucrazon Global. They are a huge scam

        They have scammed thousands and thousands of people and continue to do so….

        They went from what looked like a legitimate Ecommerce Merchant Services provider to a company who is selling overpriced, non namebrand generic DOG FOOD and VITAMINS and other hard to sell stuff online. What a pity!!!

        The truth is that this is not some 3rd World Country. We as consumers have rights and we will enforce them. You may be thinking that because we signed up under our sponsors BP account you are gonna come out clean, you are wrong. We are uniting. We will sue your sorry asses.

        How can y’all sleep at night?

  • Andrea

    Someone very sharp in Las Vegas noticed the logo of Merrick Bank in the right upper corner of the contract we signed with Lucrazon. Right Now they are behind Merrick Bank trying to get their refund. Merrick Bank is no longer doing the Merchant Services Processing for Lucrazon. Merrick Bank might be afraid of the SEC to come after them. There is info flowing right now that Merrick Bank has frozen $150 Millions from Alex Pitt’s account. Oscar Garcia is no longer the VP of Lucrazon Global. Several groups from different states are suing Lucrazon.

    Folks, Lucrazon Global is coming to an end.

    • William

      Great info! I looked at Oscar Garcia’s Linkedin profile this is what it says…

      oscar garcia
      CEO at Retired
      Norwalk, CaliforniaE-Learning
      Lucrazon Global, Explore Talent, 2GO Industries Inc.

      Yes retired on our money from the Lucrazon scam!

      How do we get in line to get our money back…. did they really make 150 million? At about 3000 brand partners investing 15k each that would be 45 million.

      Ive received letters back from several agency’s stating they are looking into this matter further.



    • Lucrazon Global, LLC

      Hello Andrea,

      If the “someone very sharp in Las Vegas” person you are referring to is Doug Thayer, I encourage you to take a look at my previous comment. For any Brand Partner that have been in contact with him, we recommend that a thorough search on his previous activities be conducted.

      Thank you.

  • Ryan

    Lucrazon is a scam! I have the same problem, I bought 8 units, that was 8,000 and they are telling me that all i can get back is $50 for the last months website hosting fee and I still have not receive my money… I want to join a class action law suit. Do you have any information to share? Thank you.

  • John

    If you are thinking about investing your hard earned money with Lucrazon Global, DON’T DO IT. It is a SCAM. Lucrazon Global promises those compensation plans before launching the company and after less than a month last May, they change the compensation plan like what happen in TELEX FREE. I cancelled mine and I can not recover my $8,000 that I invested in. They even continue taking $50 after I cancelled and they promise to return that $50 they took but they never give it back to me. Lucrazon Global is a money grabber. For those of you who are overseas like spain, mexico, or other countries, DO NOT invest your hard earned money to this company.

    This is what I heard so far:

    -Lucrazon Global is under investigation by the SEC.

    -Lots of former brand partner is suing Lucrazon.

    -My group is thinking about a class action law suit. is suing Oscar Garcia, and Lucrazon Global (Hope they win).

    Think twice before you invest your money to this company.

    Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend or anybody

  • carol

    LUCRAZON IS A SCAM. Most of us joined this company to work with the promise of high returns and high commisions on merchant accounts. None of these have come true. There is people that have gotten merchant accounts and to this day they have received no residual payments (after 3-4months). The ecommerce store is not ready, actually its only ready if u have ur own product and u still need to have a merchant account on it even if u dont need it, which is stupid. There is several movements around the U.S. to get our refund. If none of them work we will start a class action suit in several states along with a Federal investigation. If any of you is interested in register or be part of this movement please send me a short email and i will send you the information I have as I receive it. We are not going to stay quiet. We will speak up and the sooner we do it the better. THANKS

    • robert

      Hi Carol,

      I have the same problem. if I sign the cancellation form in which it states no refund, I can’t request for my refund. if i don’t sign the cancellation form, my account is still active and I have to pay $50 monthly fee. I don’t know what to do now. do you have any information to share? thank you

      • Nancy J

        Hi Robert,
        I suggest you to close the checking acct with your bank the one you opened for the direct deposits from Lucrazon, also report lost the debit/ credit card the one you used to pay the first $1,000 for the first position so Lucrazon cannot withdraw any more money either from your checking acct or credit card. Talk to your bank about this problem. If you don’t want to close your checking acct. then set a stop pay for Lucrazon, sometimes that includes a fee. This should solve the withdraw of the $50 a month. It worked out for me. As Carol explained there is several movements around the U.S. to get our refund right now. Hope this help.

      • Jack


        Close your account, including your credit card number that is associated with it. DO NOT, under any circumstances cancel your brand partner membership without first consulting with an attorney. The paperwork they make you sign to close it out limits your ability to speak up after the fact (and also might limit your ability to participate in any class action lawsuit as well). Closing your account will stop the charges and keep you free to pursue a lawsuit, or if you desire, simply telling the world what a scam this company is.


    • cintia

      Hi ,im also very disappointed with Lucrazon .i just want my money back!!!!! they dont pay but one of the things they do .is not given refund pleasee let me know any information about taking legal action..i know about people in Arizona looking for the lawyers and evidence waiting for information also from there…but from other states let me know..too..every time i think about my money i get was too hard saved that money and they played with that feeligs [email protected]..thank uu! and hope god help us!

    • Jorge

      I live in Massachusetts, i invest $5000 and get o (nothing ) I call every week Lucrazon and get nothing.
      would you please send me more information to do a lawsuit, or the SEC is already investigating these people.

  • hakimest

    Lucrazon why have you failed to refund my $15,000.
    I applied for lucrazon bacK in April but i was told that i am going to get my refund in May since they failed to enroll me into their business.And since then i have waited for my money.Its now mid July and i still have not receive my money…..

  • SB Merchants

    I have been trying to get a refund for a very long time from Lucrazon, they won’t answer my calls or e-mails I think its time we stand outside and protest demanding our refund or contact social media and have them exposed why won’t they give us our money back.

  • Alfredo

    Been a brand partner with the Lucrazon Global since February. Myself and a few members who I recruited have tried contacting the company regarding a promised daily bonus multiple times since we started. When we first reached out to Lucrazon in February, brand partners were being told that the daily bonus was not going to take into effect until after the company launch date April 12th. At that point brand partners would be receiving anywhere between $10-$13 daily per business unit. This is what Lucrazon was promising 3-6 months prior to launch date. This is along with the selling of business portfolios for 30x the amount were a few of the major reasons there were so many members signing up. I put $8000 myself for 15 Business units and I was able to recruit two members who each purchased 15 business units as well. A week or two before the launch Lucrazon began changing the compensation plan saying that the daily bonus wasn’t a fixed number, but a percentage of the daily company profit. Mind you they began changing what they were promoting after many members had already bought in to the company. Some of the head leaders at the time before the launch date were even promising upwards to $30 daily per business unit once the company launched overseas. Come April 12th, there was no action in our bank accounts only the monthly withdrawal of $50. Every now and then I would receive small deposits of .76 cents from the daily bonus for my 15 units and as for members in my down line they weren’t receiving any type of daily bonus whatsoever. Their response when we contacted them was that the company was having internal errors with the payout system. They were saying brand partners were not having available funds in their bank accounts for split funding therefore causing issues with payments. Lucrazon told its members that they would be paid accordingly once these issues were resolved. They also said that daily bonuses would only increase from the launch date onward. Now it has been almost 4 months since the company launch date and I’ve received no more than $20 worth of daily bonus in total. Members of my down line have received no money whatsoever. Mind you in these 4 months, instead of sitting and waiting for the daily bonus situation to be fixed, we decided to focus more on the merchant side of things. We have collectively submitted about 5-7 merchant statements and have had no luck whatsoever. No response from the company till 30-40 days later. And when we do get a response there are no savings for merchants we are trying to recruit. It looks like we are not the only members who are having this issue. Speaking to a few other brand partners they are having the same problem. To cut a long story short myself and other members in my down line asked for a refund because Lucrazon Global has not lived up to its brand partner expectations. There response to us was the same that many others are getting. They can only refund us $50 for the last months website hosting fee. We plan on taking legal action as a whole.

  • Just E

    I just filed a complaint with the BBB office in California and I suggest you all start there. I am very upset with them and they need to be stopped. My story is similar, invested hard earn $ only to see VERY little return, barely nothing. What is even more annoying is the fact they waited until they get the team and I in to start making changes, prolonging launch dates and offer little to none support. Here is the link I used: . IF you all come up with anything else to help us all get our investment back please keep me posted as well. I will gladly sign a petition or do what is needed. Customers and potential partners…RUN from this company!

    • Carol

      They will only refund $50, from any investments. Some of us bought into this company early this year before the official launch, the compensation plan was great at the time. After the launch which like you said was postponed in 2 occasions, the compensation plan changed completely and now they no longer advertise a daily bonus (which was the main reason why many people bought into it many positions. I bought 15 units, that was 15,000 and they are telling me that all i can get back is $50. The explanation is that I bought a franchise so if i dont want to work it, it is on me. and according to them I have signed an online document saying that there was no refunds. All of that is BS, after ppl started trying to get their money back, they started to add a whole bunch of new policys to their contracts. Which no they say that everyone had 14 days free trial, which is also a lie because my bank account was inmediately charged.
      I try looking for them in the California Business Registry and I can not find them. Please give me some light in how to proceed.

    • E

      This is a followup to the complaint I flied against them:

      This message is in regard to your complaint submitted on 7/7/2014 1:45:40 PM against Lucrazon LLC. Your complaint was assigned ID 1012154.

      This is to advise you of the status of your complaint against the above referenced company. We have just made our second attempt to elicit a response from the company. From our experience, we have learned that many times a company may overlook correspondence, or there has been a change in personnel, so we attempt to contact them a second time before taking further action.

      If you have resolved your complaint with the above referenced company, please let us know immediately by calling or dropping us a note at the numbers referenced on our letterhead. If you have not received a response from the company, please be patient for a few more days, and you will receive a letter detailing any information or offers we have been able to obtain from the company. There is no need to contact us if you have not received any information from the company.

      The Better Business Bureau is a non-profit organization providing dispute handling services and company reliability information free to the public since 1921.

      The text of your complaint may be publicly posted on BBBs Web site (BBB reserves the right to not post in accordance with BBB policy). Please do not include any personally identifiable information when contacting us regarding this dispute. By submitting your complaint, you are representing that it is a truthful account of your experience with the business. BBB may edit your complaint to protect privacy rights and to remove inappropriate language.


      Gaby Garcia
      The Better Business Bureau

      Will continue to keep everyone posted and you all do the same. I hope we all are refunded soon.

      • Elena

        I want to know too how can I got my $8000 back because they said thee something for me when I call that they can close my account and refund me $50 and they charge $50 since April and I never got any money in my account . Not the $200 plus all others . Plus I brought somebody else in too and still didn’t got the $200. Also I send them the application for review and still did not got answers Please help me too. tell me what can I do to got my money back

  • Tiffany

    We joined also the same as Melinda and spent $21,000 with two people and the company has paid pennies, taken forever to process a brand partner application that ended up not being compliant and the brand partner had to transfer his merchant services account back to his other provider. We also worked on another merchant account and kept getting the runaround after having to follow up numerous times to even get a status. It took well over a month for us to finally give up on that (our own merchant account). They weren’t even using their own merchant portal but were pushing us to

    We were just told that the only thing we can do is sell our business units. What a freaking scam! We’ve waited patiently and been told over and over again a different story. It is a different plan every time we turn around.

    Steer clear!!!

    • Charlene

      Lucrazon is a scam! I have the same problem! I need my money back ! I don’t have job.
      I join Lucrazon since Feb, 2014. They told me to sign the cancellation and state misrepresentative so they can send me a check home in 20 days. But this cancellation since March 31,2014 . We are in August now. I haven’t receive any check. I have calls so many time! They told me I’m on their front list which I will receive my money soon. Lucrazon is a scam ! let me know you all join the class lawsuit. I have proof of email I chat with the supervisor. But I can’t get of hold of her any more. I need help too.

    • William

      Selling you business units to unsuspecting people was not offered last I heard. It was still in approval process. But now, who could feel good about selling their units? When I joined I was told Lucrazon would buy back units for full price…. SO many promises… If it is too good to be true you need to do a heck of a lot of investigating and then even still…. you are bound to get weaseled. I was refunded my 50 fee for all of the months by my credit card company. It is only temporary for now…. but in 45 days it will be permanent. I have many emails requesting a cancellation and correspondences with their C/S team telling me I needed to waive my right to freedom of speech. I never signed those docs and even if anyone did, that wont stand up in a court of law. It will just make them look worse.

  • Nan

    We joined this company under high pressure sales techniques. When the deal as represented changed. We were told that to opt out was ok since things weren’t as represented.
    We are over 60 days pasts getting our money back well over 32k not seeing a penny.
    They are evasive, play word games and flat out are very dishonest.
    Can someone please tell me how to expose such horrific company to the public?
    Does any one has ever been successful getting their hard earned money back? If so how did they do it?
    [email protected]
    We need all the help that we can get and are one inch from contacting our attorneys.

    • M V Ontiveros

      Call the SEC (Security Exchange Comission) in Los Angeles(323) 965-4502 or (323)965-3998 and set a complaint with them about the Lucrazon fraud or “Ponzi Scheme”. Answers all the questions, put your report with them immediately, give details about what happened. They are going to help you and you are going to help many others that are in the same situation because as many reports the SEC receives the better.

    • Jorge

      I went to a see a lawyer to check the cancellation form, PLEASE DON’T SIGN THAT DOCUMENT.
      many emails requesting a cancellation and correspondences with their C/S team telling me I needed to waive my right to freedom of speech. I never signed those docs and even if anyone did, that wont stand up in a court of law. It will just make them look worse.

    • Marie Hill

      I also got scam and I bought 10 units $10000 and have not paid me well only $1400 but they were taking money off my account every month until I had to call my Bank to reject them from taking. They have said lies after lies and i am sad and angry at this company so can someone please also tell me how I can get my money back or what Lawyer are you using and if I can join in?


      Marie Hill

  • melinda

    As a team, we joined this lucrazon global company since Dec 203. We also have brought in couple business merchant accounts into the company, one in Feb and couples right after but as of today, June 22, we have not receivea penny for.lots of brand partners are not happy about the company and trying to get a refund out of the companybut now the company only refund $50. 90% of my team joined for $8,000 for 15 positions. You have any thought on how my team can work as a team to try to hey our refund back?

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