Freedom Card Solutions Review

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Overall Score
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Note: The Freedom Card Solutions website has been down for some time, and we can find no evidence of any activity from the company since 2018. As such, the company may now be out of business. We will no longer be updating this review, but if you have information that the company is still operating, please let us know in the comments below.

Linked to Many Low-Rated Providers

Freedom Card Solutions is a merchant account provider located in Winter Park, Florida. Freedom Card Solutions has also operated under the name “Performance Merchant Alliance” and has been linked to a number of other credit card processors, including Payment Systems Corporation, United Card Solutions, National Card Solutions, Direct Processors, and Merchant Consulting Group. Due to the fact that nearly all of these providers have extremely low ratings on CPO, we will include evidence of their connections to each other below. According to the company's website, it is a reseller of First Data (now Fiserv).

Performance Merchant Alliance Accusations

One anonymous comment (now deleted) in the Topix forum for Dallas, Texas, made a number of allegations regarding Performance Merchant Alliance, including the following:

  • Performance Merchant Alliance is a DBA of BECKLAW LLC and of BECKSNY LLC.
  • Jonathan Beckman is the owner of BECKLAW LLC and of BECKSNY LLC.
  • Jonathan Beckman and Brad Law are the owners of Prestige Payments Oregon, a DBA of National Payment Systems, LLC.
  • National Payment Systems, LLC, is somehow affiliated with a company in Florida called Payventure One.
  • All of these companies are somehow tied to Matthew Wiltsey, the former CEO of Payment Systems Corporation.
  • Performance Merchant Alliance is a rebranding of Payment Systems Corporation.

To summarize, the commenter alleges that Performance Merchant Alliance is a rebranding of Payment Systems Corporation and that it is operated by the owners of Prestige Payment Systems Oregon.

Other Corroborating Information

Our own research has turned up the following information:

  • The Florida Business Registry lists BECKSNY LLC's address as 20 N. Orange Ave, Suite 1300, Orlando, Florida 32801. The Better Business Bureau provides the exact same address for Performance Merchant Alliance, and this source lists “Payment Systems Corporation Orlando” at this location.
  • Matt Wiltsey is listed as the CEO of Payment Systems Corporation, which is no longer an active brand.
  • Payment Systems Corporation was acquired by i3 Verticals.
  • The Performance Merchant Alliance website provides documentation from i3 Verticals.
  • Jonathan Beckman and Brad Law are listed as members at National Payment Systems LLC.
  • National Payment Systems LLC is listed as a registering agent for Payventure One in Florida.
  • Merchant Processing Solutions, a DBA of Payment Systems Corporation, is also listed as a registering agent for Payventure One.
  • Jonathan Beckman and Brad Law are listed as members at BECKLAW LLC, a Carrollton, Texas-based company.
  • Performance Merchant Alliance maintains an office in Dallas, Texas.

Overall, the available evidence supports most of the claims made by the anonymous commenter on Topix. We believe it is probable that Performance Merchant Alliance is a DBA or subsidiary of the company formerly known as Payment Systems Corporation, and a DBA of BECKSNY LLC and BECKLAW LLC. By extension, the same is likely true of Freedom Card Solutions.

Freedom Card Solutions Location & Ownership

There is also a significant amount of evidence suggesting that Performance Merchant Alliance is affiliated with (or a DBA of) United Card Solutions, National Card Solutions, Direct Processors, and a company called Merchant Consulting Group. For one thing, all of these providers have extremely similar websites that feature the same customer testimonials and YouTube advertisements. Furthermore, the Better Business Bureau lists Jeff Easter as the principal at Performance Merchant Alliance, just as it does with most of these other companies. It is therefore extremely likely that Jeff Easter plays a significant role in the operation of Freedom Card Solutions. Freedom Card Solutions is a reseller of First Data (Fiserv) products and services and is headquartered at 941 W Morse Blvd, Winter Park, Florida 32789. The Better Business Bureau profile for Freedom Card Solutions states that the company was created in October 2016.

Freedom Card Solutions Review Table of Contents

  • Costs & Contract: Freedom Card Solutions offers a three-year contract with an early termination fee of $495 or more.
  • Complaints & Service: Freedom Card Solutions has received more than 15 public complaints.
  • BBB Rating: Freedom Card Solutions has a “B+” rating with the Better Business Bureau and has received 4 complaints and 2 reviews in the past 3 years.
  • Sales & Marketing: Freedom Card Solutions hires independently contracted agents and has received a number of complaints about its sales team.
  • Rates & Fees: How Merchants Got The Best Rates With Freedom Card Solutions

Freedom Card Solutions Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints 15+
Live Customer Support Yes
Most Common Complaint Sales Tactics

Rising Complaint Total

We are currently able to locate more than 15 negative Freedom Card Solutions reviews, some of which accuse the company of being a scam. We have not factored Performance Merchant Alliance complaints into this total, but if we did, the company’s total would exceed 60 complaints across all consumer protection websites. Merchant complainants commonly cite undisclosed fees, misrepresented rates, expensive equipment leases, poor customer service, and rude sales agents. The company’s current and former employees describe a poorly managed work environment that trains employees to deceive merchants. The available complaints about Freedom Card Solutions are extremely similar to those filed against Performance Merchant Alliance, and they have been posted with the same level of consistency. We will therefore assign the company the same “D” rating that we assign to Performance Merchant Alliance.

Freedom Card Solutions Services Lawsuits

We have not found any outstanding class-action lawsuits or FTC complaints filed against Freedom Card Solutions. Dissatisfied merchants who wish to pursue a non-litigious course of action against the company should consider reporting it to the relevant supervisory organizations.

Freedom Card Solutions Customer Service Options

Freedom Card Solutions lists a phone number on its website and also provides a contact form for reaching its “Resolution Center.” These customer service options are also offered by Performance Merchant Alliance, United Card Solutions, National Card Solutions, and Direct Processors, and they appear to share a low success rate when it comes to resolving merchant complaints. We do not consider Freedom Card Solutions a top-rated payment processor for great customer service at this time.

Freedom Card Solutions Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
Product & Service Complaints 1
Billing & Collection Complaints 1
Advertising & Sales Complaints 1
Guarantee & Warranty Complaints 0
Delivery Complaints 1

Note: We have adjusted this company’s BBB rating according to our own standards. To better understand why we adjust BBB ratings, please see our Rating Criteria.

Under 5 Complaints

Freedom Card Solutions currently has a “B+” rating with the Better Business Bureau and is not BBB-accredited. The company has received 4 complaints in the last 36 months. 1 of the complaints was due to a problem with a product or service, 1 was a billing or collections issue, 1 was due to advertising or sales problems, and 1 was an issue with delivery. All 4 complaints were resolved to the dissatisfaction of the merchant or received no final response.

What Merchants Say

Freedom Card Solutions has also received 2 informal reviews on its BBB profile. Both reviews are negative. The latest review describes deceptive contract practices:

There sales rep are scam artist, they came to my business they told me no contract, no agreement, no terms just to try to cancel anytime. After using the service for a few months I do not like the service. I tried to cancel the service and there telling me that I have 48 month contract. If I cancel it will be penalty. I finally completed my 48 month terms and I return the Pos equipment 1 yers early and confirmed it. Now there charging me for pos equipment they have no record of return.

Understanding which contract terms to avoid in a merchant agreement can protect against getting locked into bad contracts.

An “F” Performance

The BBB cites the company’s short time in business relative to its complaint total as a primary factor in lowering its rating. Due to the lack of resolved complaints, we have lowered the BBB’s grade to an “F”.

Freedom Card Solutions Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Swiped Rate 1.99% + $0.39
Keyed-in Rate 2.79% + $0.39
Virtual Terminal Rate 2.79% + $0.39
Payment Gateway Fee None
Batch Fee $0.20
Activation Fee $199
Monthly Minimum Fee $25
Early Termination Fee $495+
PCI Compliance Fee $150 Per Year
Equipment Lease Terms 48 Month (locked)

Three-Year Contract

We have obtained a copy of the standard Freedom Card Solutions contract (available below). The contract’s fee schedule lists a swipe rate of 1.99% plus $0.39 and a keyed-in rate of 2.79% plus $0.39. However, merchant reviews reflect being charged an effective rate of 3.1%. This contract is a three-year term that includes an activation fee of $199 and an early termination fee of “an amount equal to all monthly fees due for the remainder of the existing term of the MPA, including all monthly minimum fee commitments, which in no case shall be less than four hundred and ninety-five dollars ($495.00).” The contract also comes with a four-year, non-cancellable equipment lease through Ascentium Capital LLC, a $150 annual PCI compliance fee, a $25 monthly minimum fee, a $13 monthly statement fee, and other assorted fees. These contract terms are just about as expensive as they come in the industry, and we do not recommend them for any merchant.

Virtual Terminal and Payment Gateway Pricing

In addition to its storefront payment processing services, Freedom Card Solutions also dedicates a portion of its website to advertising its virtual terminal and payment gateway through First Data Payeezy. According to its merchant agreement, the company charges a transaction rate of 2.79% plus $0.39, a batch fee of $0.20, but does not charge a monthly gateway fee.

Uncommonly Expensive

We have assigned Freedom Card Solutions an “F” due to its substandard contract terms and the sales issues described in the section above. In support of our rating, we are currently able to locate a number of merchant complaints that mention high rates, undisclosed fees, and expensive equipment lease terms. Merchants who are seeking lower rates will be better served by a budget-friendly merchant account provider. See the Freedom Card Solutions Merchant Agreement. We would encourage merchants to check out our list of the providers of the best merchant accounts.

Freedom Card Solutions Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Employs Independent Resellers Yes
Advertises Deceptive Rates No
Discloses All Important Terms No

Outside Sales Team

Much like Performance Merchant Alliance and its affiliated organizations, Freedom Card Solutions appears to utilize independent sales agents and telemarketing to promote its products and services. This sales approach is commonly linked to high complaint rates within the credit card processing industry, and Freedom Card Solutions appears to be no exception. We are currently able to locate multiple complaints that mention undisclosed fees, higher-than-quoted rates, and aggressive conduct by sales agents. THis does not compare favorably to our list of best credit card processors.

Deceptive Rate Quotes

More than one source has stated that Freedom Card Solutions offers rates of 0% on qualified debit transactions and 1% on qualified credit card transactions, but that agents often do not disclose the downgrade fees that apply to mid-qualified and non-qualified transactions. Furthermore, merchants state that these contract terms are often sold alongside 48-month equipment leases that are not consistently disclosed.

Familiar Complaint Pattern

These complaints are consistent with those filed against Performance Merchant Alliance and other related companies, and they have been posted with regular frequency since Freedom Card Solutions began operating. As a point in the company’s favor, it does not openly promote misleading rates on its website. However, the available pattern of complaints and the company’s corporate history warrant a “D” rating in this section. If you believe that Freedom Card Solutions is overcharging you, we recommend seeking a third-party statement audit to eliminate fees.

Our Freedom Card Solutions Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

A Low-Rated Option for All Businesses

Freedom Card Solutions receives a low overall grade according to our rating criteria. The company appears to be a DBA of Performance Merchant Alliance and does not appear to have altered its sales practices or contract terms in any significant way. For now, Freedom Card Solutions and its related companies rank among the worst merchant account providers in the industry.

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Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Freedom Card Solutions Treat You?

10 User Reviews

  • Azucena Ramirez

    So I got a call this morning from this company. The guy was so rude. He called I couldn’t understand what he was saying and asked him where are you calling from? While he kept asking maybe 3 times,”are you the owner”. Basically in a demanding way. I answered and said no , he gets quiet and then hangs up on me. And I’m left speechless, we are busy and have no time for pointless calls from rude people. Please take our business off your calling list. We are not interested.

    -Select Motors Inc of Smyrna TN.

    This post will help: Make the Sales Calls Stop


  • Jane Doe

    I get 3-4 harrasing sales calls every single day from this BS company. I have been asked to be removed from the calling list numerous times & the caller just hangs up on me, then they call back an hour or two later. I would never do business with a company that treats potential clients like this. Stop Harrasing People!!!

    From The Editor
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  • Kristina Ebanks

    I am a business owner and Freedom Card Solutions have been calling my business non stop. They say that their rates are the lowest, however they cant tell you therates over the phone, they hound you into setting up a meeting with Debra or Tim to “show” you the rates, but please dont be deceived there are hidden fees and crazy interchange rates. Even after the meeting and choosing NOT to accept their offer, their telemarketing team calls my business EVERYDAY to continue to force their way back to my business. My Next Step is to get my Lawyers involved because they dont know how to accept NO, no matter how many times I say take my number out of your system. They took up my time from my business, they offered me bogus rates and hidden fees and charges in their ridiculous contract. STOP CALLING ME

    From The Editor
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  • Paige

    Stay far away from this company. A representative named Kellie McPeck sat in my office with my 72 year old mother and lied to her about how much they would save us. I just got my first statement the fees were exorbitant, 3 times what I was paying with my other processor. I have been trying to contact customer service for 2 days, you have to leave a message and they don’t return your calls. Kellie McPeck will not answer my calls either.

    From The Editor
    This Post Might Help: Let Us Find and Eliminate Fees For You

  • Sharon

    The caller that called me was very professional and although I typically do not schedule appointments this way, I did. When the Agent arrived he was very professional and explained things in a manner that I was able to understand. There was no “ghost sales” in his presentation. Although my volume is low and this program could not help me I liked the professional experience from beginning to end.

  • allison

    We were completely lied to by a person named RON LONG with Freedom Card Solutions. This has caused us hours of stress and time because we have a merchant service provider that we are happy with and were told we save 200 a month and have next morning funding. We have been paying 295 a month more than we have in the last 5 years and the pos system he left with us is not being used because it is not compatible with the type of restaurant we own. When I contacted these liars I was basically laughed at and Ron wouldn’t even talk to me he said he was t busy writing a contract and has not answered our calls since. This type of stuff makes me sick we are a small business owner busting our ass and have enough obstacles to overcome without someone walking in and blatantly telling lies to get us to sign a contract so he can get a commission. I wonder how many other people are being scammed and stressed out by this nonsense. We are fighting this and have filed a complaint the Oregon Justice Dept. and will persist until we succeed. Not just for us but for small businesses in general you guys don’t deserve to be in business. If someone asks you a question and you don’t offer that move on to the next door! Don’t lie and carma is going get you.

  • Laura

    This company called my business and told me my card readers were not in compliance with regulations. They used vague terms to get you concerned and obviously gain your business. This is a fraudulant way to do business, as my company does not have a chip reader. never have and do not accept credit or debit.

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