Evolution Bankcard Review

Evolution Bankcard Logo
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Updated 2/1/2019: The Evolution Bankcard website appears to have been inactive since early 2016, and it seems likely that Evolution Bankcard is no longer an active brand name. We are unable to determine whether the company is still operating under a different name, but Evolution's parent company (Commerce Payment Systems) and one of its possible DBAs (Optimal Bankcard) also seem to have gone out of business. If you have any information about the current status of Evolution Bankcard (including any DBAs or rebrandings), please share that information in the comment section below this review.

Evolution Bankcard (evolutionbankcard.com) is a merchant account provider that is owned by EVO Payments International. The company's website states that it is also a sales office of Commerce Payment Group. Evolution Bankcard does not list a physical location in its official materials, nor does it list any contact information besides its sales form. EVO Merchant Services is headquartered at 515 Broad Hollow Rd, Melville, NY 11747, and both EVO and Evolution Bankcard are registered ISO/MSPs of Deutsche Bank AG, New York, New York.

Evolution Bancard Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints 45 Plus
Live Customer Support Yes
Most Common Complaint Hidden Fees

We are currently able to locate approximately 45 Evolution Bankcard complaints across various consumer protection websites, and many of these negative reviews accuse the company of being ripoff or a scam. These complaints have been consistently posted during the last year and allege deceptive sales practices, unexpected costs, expensive fees, difficulty cancelling service, and poor customer support from Evolution Bankcard.

Evolution Bankcard’s website does not list any dedicated contact information of any kind, indicating that the company’s customers will receive support through either EVO or Commerce Payment Systems. Most merchant complaints mention dealing with Commerce Payment Systems, which currently has a “D” rating in this category. Given the alarming consistency of complaints posted about Evolution Bankcard and the reports that it offers support through Commerce, we are awarding it a “C-” for its customer service.

Evolution Bancard Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
Product & Service Complaints 65
Billing & Collection Complaints 168
Advertising & Sales Complaints 31
Guarantee & Warranty Complaints 0
Delivery Complaints 8

The Better Business Bureau does not currently maintain a profile for Evolution Bankcard, but it does keep a profile for Commerce Payment Systems that lists “Evolution Bankcard” as an alternate business name. Commerce Payment Systems is currently showing an “F” rating with the BBB due to 272 complaints filed against it in the last three years. Of these complaints, 65 were due to problems with the product or service, 168 were related to billing or collection issues, and 31 had to do with advertising/sales tactics. Commerce successfully resolved 106 complaints, while 15 complaints went completely unresolved. The remainder either were resolved to the dissatisfaction of the merchant or did not receive a final response from the merchant. Given the information contained in the Commerce Payment Systems profile, the lack of a separate profile for Evolution Bankcard, and Evolution Bankcard’s performance in other categories of this review, we agree with the BBB’s rating at this time.

Evolution Bancard Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Swiped Rate Variable
Keyed-in Rate Variable
Early Termination Fee None
PCI Compliance Fee Variable
Equipment Lease Terms Variable

Although Evolution Bankcard is owned by EVO Merchant Services, it appears that the company’s standard contract terms are more similar to those offered by Commerce Payment Systems. According to merchant complaints, the standard Evolution Bankcard contract is a month-to-month agreement with high rates (up to 4.64% according to this merchant) and expensive annual fees (according to this merchant) that may include varying PCI Compliance fees. Most complainants report that these fees kick in after a few weeks or a few months of processing, sticking the merchant with a large, unexpected expense. The “free terminal offer” advertised by Evolution Bankcard likely means that the terminal is provided upfront along with the merchant account, but must be returned upon cancellation in a timely fashion in order for a merchant to avoid cancellation fees.

Although Evolution Bankcard does appear to adhere to its advertised claim of “no early termination fees,” it also seems to include many other hidden fees and rate increases in its contracts. The available merchant reports regarding Evolution Bankcard’s contract terms incline us to rate the company’s costs a “C-” at this time. If you have any information about the standard Evolution Bankcard contract, please share it in the comment section of this review.

Evolution Bancard Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Employs Independent Resellers Yes
Advertises Deceptive Rates Yes
Discloses All Important Terms No

Like EVO and Commerce, Evolution Bankcard seems to use a combination of telemarketing, independent sales agents, and online advertising to market its services. The use of independent contractors is a common cause of merchant complaints in the credit card processing industry, and Evolution Bankcard appears to be no exception. There are a growing number of Evolution Bankcard negative reviews that mention deceptive, high-pressure sales tactics used by the company’s representatives, with no two complaints naming the same rep.

Evolution Bankcard’s website quotes a number of rates on its homepage, none of which are especially transparent. For one thing, Evolution Bankcard, like Commerce Payment Systems, makes the claim that it offers rates “starting at 0.25%.” Although this rate seems like a rock-bottom credit card processing rate, this is actually in reference to the company’s debit card transaction fee. Most other providers don’t include the debit card transaction fee in their ad copy since there is not a great deal of variation from processor to processor.

Evolution Bankcard’s credit card fees are listed as 1.40% plus $0.10 for retail and mobile payments and 1.69% plus $0.10 for MOTO/eCommerce payments, but these figures are likely just the company’s “Qualified” transaction rates. The website makes no mention of Evolution Bankcard’s rates for “Mid-Qualified” and “Non-Qualified” transactions, which will actually be applied to the majority of a merchant’s transactions. Given these partial, misleading rate quotes, it’s no wonder that merchants are consistently reporting higher-than-expected costs when processing through Evolution Bankcard.

Our Evolution Bancard Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

Evolution Bankcard rates as a substandard merchant services provider according to our rating system. Like EVO Merchant Services and Commerce Payment Systems, its partner companies, Evolution Bankcard appears to utilize deceptive sales tactics and hidden contract terms. Merchants should be sure to acquire all documentation and carefully review it before signing up for service through Evolution Bankcard. In addition, merchants who are researching the company should note that Evolution Bankcard is sometimes spelled as “Evolution Bank Card.”

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Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Evolution Bancard Treat You?

36 User Reviews

  • Tia Pryor

    This is a rip off after I had them put my funds on hold they stole $800 from my business then Latisha Rhodes the csa kept putting me on hold and hanging up on me this is a rip off a scam and I think we should all take them to court and sue them I know I am if anyone is intetsted please contact me asap [REDACTED – personal contact information]

  • Elizabeth Vargas

    Horrible costumer service. Very deceptive I never had such a horrible experience with a company. I was charged 148.00 plus cancel charges. I requested my account on ho;ld for a few months and I was charged for not using the service when I was not supposed to

  • Phil Marsh

    We are a health provider office and signed up for Evolution Bankcard last December. We just noticed (I know….duh) that they have been debiting our checking account for various amounts each month since December. Always over $80 and this month over $110. The total is now well over $1000. We called them and got Commerce Payment Systems. All phone numbers in the ads and contract lead to them. We asked the woman answering if she knew anything about the fraudulent charges and her reply was “sort of”. She had us on hold for 30 minutes waiting to talk to the cancellation desk and eventually said they would call us in the next 48 hours. This certainly looks like good class action law suite material and the bank that owns them has real nice deep pockets.

  • Rob

    Evolution Bankcard is deceptive! They change names because of the way they do business by advertising .25% on debit cards, 1.39% on credit cards and .10¢ per item but your billing statement if you have the time and patience to wait on hold for up to 40+ minutes will reflect closer to 4% plus multiple annual fees (PCI + IRS Reporting) each $99. Their new name is OPTIMAL BANKCARD so beware of any offer you get from OPTIMAL BANKCARD!!! Other names include Commerce Payment Systems, Merchant Commerce, EVO Payment Processing… These are what I know for a fact but there may be more.

    Similar sites?? You decide

    Look at the same “customers” who show up on both Commerce Payments and Optimal Bankcards websites…
    Go to the testimonial videos here-

    And see most of the same business owners stating almost identical statements on this site:

    Just make sure to do your homework….

  • Michele Donnelly - Landscape Design Imaging Software, Inc.

    This is the worst Fraud I have ever seen … How I can be so stupid. When I incorporated my business and changed my address I called my agent John Lane who set my first merchant account up and asked how do I change the address and now use my tax ID. He said we have to open a new account and he has a great deal with something I will love – something I can use from my phone. I keep explaining I almost never meet a client face to face. I need the online forms like I have now.. He promised me it does that too and promised there is no transaction fees or monthly statement fees, and no account setup.. And all the paper work clearly states that. ( I have all the emails and paper work he sent) After filling out lots of papers and receiving a Payware Mobile Reader. I called John again, asking where is the info to make the new forms for the website. Now he tells me, sorry this does not do that. You have to notify the company I use now and have them do it. I told him to close the account and filled out the papers more than once.. sent back the phone app. I assumed everything was done. Till my accountant looked at my bankbook and wanted to know why $424.00 was taken out of my account.. over 9 months .. the last being $180. It took us both sometime to figure out it was an account I assumed was closed. I have been promised the return of my money since April 10, 2015 when they finally closed the account correctly. When you call you are put on hold – I usually give it 40 -50 minutes before I hang up.. I requested a supervisor many times and no one ever calls back. John Lane is no longer to be found. My advice do not use Evolution BankCard or any to their sister companies like Commerce Payment Systems.
    Michele Donnelly
    Landscape Design Imaging Software, Inc.
    [REDACTED – contact information]

  • Chera

    Stay with the Square. I have had both the Square and Evolution Bank card since August of 2014. It is now May of 2015. I have received many charges from Evolution Bank Card and I have not received one charge from my square. Evolution did refund me a few of the charges which was great, but now they are charging me again for “annual fees” that Square does not have. I am in the process of canceling the card and I am told that I may be charged for this month as well. Ugh! Stay with the Square.

  • Liz Nicks

    I’ve had the same experience as everyone else. Before I could even set up the terminal they sent, they called to inform me they couldn’t finalize the approval due to a current issue with our Federal Tax ID. However, that did not stop them for taking fees out of TWO accounts they set up for our business. I have no clue why and every time i call and ask for a manager, they send me to a ‘management voicemail’. I have not gotten any calls back, and am placing a stop ACH payment on my account today. This is ridiculous! I am outraged. Do NOT use this processor.

  • Don

    Absolutely do not use this bandit outfit. I had the misfortune to get involved with evolution bank card company. They shipped me a card reader for my smart phone. I processed 2 two transactions. Two months later no funds in my account. However they did deduct a $90.00 fee for some type of security up grade. I called and could not get the person handling my account. 3 calls later finally talked to my account person. They cant send me my funds because I am using a card reader and I keyed in the account information by hand. (what is the difference?) So I send the card reader back with registered mail. They are supposedly sending the other kind of reader. Never got any information or response from these crooks. Now at tax time I get a document declaring that they sent me 700.00 dollars that I have to claim on my taxes.

    Just to be sure I went to my bank and searched for a deposit of that amount. No deposit. Luckily I did change the account so that a deposit could be made but no withdrawals could be made. I feel that I saved my self some money with that move.

    As stated before dont deal with these crooks. They are totally dishonest and will steal your money.

  • james

    Absolutely do not use these criminals. Take money out 2 months after business was closed. Had to close banking account. They can never tell you exactly what charges are. Worthless ******, *******

  • Tiffany

    Oh man where do I begin these people our so fraudulent they sent me two devices that I never open because I realize they were charging me monthly for something that I was never even using when I complained the first time I stopped the charges from coming through it seems as though they changed their business name and started sending the charges through again. They were billing me for two supposedly “free” devices charging me an inactivation fee for $35 and then another fee for not using the card which to me was the exact same thing they’ve been pulling from my account since January of 2014 and I thought my account was closed in March of 2014 now I cant get my money back and its cost me over a thousand dollars please do not use this company you will definitely lose your mind this company sucks and scam professionals.

  • Jason

    To call this company shady is an understatement. Not only do they NOT have the lowest rates, they will claim they do. However, simple math reveals that Evolution bank card charges about 4.95% on transactions. They do not inform you of that. They also do not inform you of monthly fees, whether you use their awful service or not.

    Their customer service is even worse than the actual service they claim to provide. Representatives I’ve spoken to are rude, short in tone, and condescending. If you’ve been contacted by this firm for credit card processing services, simply say no thank you and hang up. It’ll save you money and a tremendous amount of aggravation. 0 out of 5 stars.

  • Jeff Ewins

    This company should face criminal charges for theft. They tried to sell their services for my company, but I did not complete the transaction after doing some homework on their well earned poor reputation. They did, however, have my bank account information and have charged me almost $200 for NOTHING – I never created an account with them. Since then, their customer service rep, Reme, told me that I am in a negative position with the company and they would not refund the money because I would not pay additional charges for NO service. For anyone considering a credit card processing company, DO NOT use this company. They are thieves.

  • Ryan

    back in September i was thinking of switching merchant services to Evolution bankcard, we were setting up the information to change services but never finished the possess unbeknownst to me Evolution bankcard was charging me for their services when the possess was never finished or completed, I have not used their services one time but still have gotten a charge for them and every month since then. They went behind my back and where taking money out of my account until I just found out
    Completely dishonest Company
    I have a company and just because you have someone’s personal information on file doesn’t mean you can start using it or taking money out as you wish what that is consider is stilling.

  • Crystal Moroney

    After signing up with Evolution, my first sale would not go through.. Needless to say, I spoke with several people from evolution and everyone said it was no problem, they ran me through everything and it still wouldn’t work. They have all my banking, ID, and SS # .. which bothers me, as I was let to believe this was an honest company, and I’ve had nothing but the run around.. promises, promises!!!

  • Antoine

    This company is a total scam. I had the same experience Charles had. They didn’t release funds into my account and then told me that underwriting had not been completed yet. Keep in mind, I already filled out their application, we gave them information including a lease and other document both personally and business and they gave us a machine to begin processing. She said the final part of the underwriting process involved a 5 minute interview which included questions like the first 5 digits of my SSN and questions regarding accounts that have been inactive more than 5 years ago. Needless to say, I “failed” the interview and they said that my funds would continue to be frozen unless I allowed them to look into information from a different credit agency, which I have frozen to prevent fraud. I am still in the process of trying to get close to $40K from them.

  • Soloman Grundy

    Got a call yesterday from this Evolution Bank Card. First caller was in the middle of his sales pitch about card processing services when I interrupted and said for them to send it by ( quoting me ) ” US postal mail”. First caller said he could not take down my company address. I wondered, ‘why can’t he ? ”

    Then I was transferred to someone else, who gave me her sales pitch. I kept repeating my request, send it by ( quoting me ) “US postal mail”. Lady rep said “No problem.” and hung up on me .

    Then I googled the company name, and found these reviews !


  • Elliott

    Commerce Payment Systems/Evolution Bankcard, or whatever name they are using today, is nothing but criminals
    out to steal from you. Commerce Payment Systems sent me an application on a Friday, which was incomplete as to rates and fees (blanks on the page), print so small I couldn’t read the fine print, and false information attributed to my company (average ticket, highest ticket, and so forth). I tried to contact the rep, but she supposedly had gone home for the day. So I waited until Monday to complete the form.

    On Monday, I went to open the email to have it available when I spoke to “Carolyn Gomez” the rep from Friday, and could not find it in my inbox anymore. What I did find was another email from Carolyn titled, “Thank your for your completed application”. While that was odd, I hadn’t opened it yet when “Carolyn” called me. She claimed that my SSN did not match my name when they checked my credit report so she wanted a copy of my Social Security Card. I made her verify the SSN I”d given her on Friday, and she read back to me my correct SSN but insisted it was not mine and I needed to send her a copy of my card. I became suspicious and told her I did not want to go any further with this transaction. She made it clear to me that she had to have my actual SS card to complete my application, and I again told her, “Well then, we are done, we are not going forward with this arrangement.”

    After hanging up, I opened the latest email (noted above) and discovered an application from Evolution Bankcard, that had what purported to be my signature on it. Several problems with the information it contained, combined with the fact that I had NEVER signed ANY documents, led me to file a complaint with local law enforcement alleging forgery and attempted fraud. I also took other steps to make sure they could not access my accounts in any way.

    Unfortunately for “Carolyn” and her co-conspirators, they have crossed paths with someone they are not going to enjoy dealing with. I hope they know I’ve logged every conversation, address associated with them that I can find, and I’ll never forget her voice.

  • Tim

    Don’t go with Evolution Bankcard! After being promised that there were NO hidden fees and NO annual fees, I was barraged with them. THIS SERVICE ACTS LIKE A BAIT & SWITCH SCAM! This service was worse than a local merchant service broker where I got an effective rate (after trying them out for two full months) of 3.2% (5-6 k cc sale per mo). With Evolution, I was also charged $79 for an annual machine insurance fee, when their brochure said NO annual fees with no qualifiers! They supposedly removed this fee when I pressed them about the no fees thing – they make you catch their “mistakes” or you will pay. My effective rate ranged from 3-9% even after I was promised that my effective rate would be less than Square. I’m still waiting to see how this turns out, because I haven’t returned their machine yet (doing it right now).

    If you have a small business like mine, and can’t afford to be scammed, NO EVOLUTION BANKCARD. When in doubt, go with Square (I’ve used square at my local Farmer’s Market for three years with NO problems), Paypal, or Amazon. Their charges are, so far, much simpler and predictable. But DON’T go with Evolution Bankcard!

    I am going to say what others said….


  • Charles

    This company is a scam for sure. My business signed a contract with Evolution for “easy banking solution”. When we noticed that the money we swiped from customers was not going into the business account, the owner called to find out why. He answered all the verification questions (DL, social, even mortgage amount) to which at the end of the call he was told he failed the verification and his accounts (including business account at the bank) which be frozen for 6 MONTHS!!! Needless to say we will no longer be using Evolution.

  • Brenda

    Worst people I’ve ever dealt with. They lie about everything. Nothing I was told is true. Charging my service charge wasn’t a problem even after I cancelled my account. STAY AWAY.

  • bryan

    Evolution does not represent itself properly they say you will only be charged per transaction. That is a lie they charge fees for everything had one for 99 dollars and did not use card swipe and had canceled them. Called was told still opened . The only way to get rid of them is to close your account that they have access to and re open a new one they are the worst card company I have ever dealt with. Would not recommend them to anybody.

  • Eileen Burch

    I am a part owner of Amazing Vapes, LLC in Mt. Pleasant, MI. While signing up with Evolution I was still checking out other options. I decided to go with the square through Verizon. Before I had the chance to call Evolution back, they had sent me the terminal. I mailed back the package and email to the person I was dealing with and told him. He asked me if I filled out a cancellation form. I said “no, would you please send me one” He never sent me a form. On June 3rd they deducted a $64.00 and $64.20 from my account. I again emailed to the guy and he said he would let customer service know. I didn’t get any answer for several days so I called them. They faxed me a form and I sent it back that day. I called on June 24th to make sure that they received it. The person said that they did and I should get my refund by July 3. Well on July 2 I did not get my refund, instead I was charged $15 twice. They are charging me as if I had two terminals and I do not have ANY. So I called again on July 8th, and he said that it would take about 10 days for the refund. From the time I called the first time and now has been longer than 10 days. This place is a scam. They are all about getting people hooked. I warn you not to go with this company!!!!!

  • Slava

    After slew of phone calls from their sales reps, our company signed up with Evolution Bankcard. Big mistake!
    As they didn’t provided the terminal (promised by their sales rep) and imposed a restriction requiring that we won’t charge our clients for deposits – we had to cancel. Well, I thought we did. Event after getting a confirmation that the cancellation request was received, they keep charging $19.95 monthly. How many more calls do I need to make in order to stop this?

  • RJ

    I was excited about the rates from this company, and decided to give their New York office a call. Eventually, I got lined up with a salesmen named Thomas who was said to be my sales rep. I signed up for a 90 trial, and got my card readers in the mail very quickly. After a couple days I noticed that neither swiper sent to me was working/compatible with my phone (Veriphone is highly used with apple devices… Not android). After a couple days, I called to see about replacing my devices, but then found out from the under writing team that I wouldn’t be able to have any money deposited into my business account unless they were given a copy of my phone bill. Funny thing, I have an IP business phone number (that means I don’t have a phone bill). I was using Google Voice for that. They insisted without the phone bill that I wouldn’t be able to process any transaction.

    They called my land lord, asked for my lease, copies of regular documentation (Articles of Inc., tax ID statement etc.) and still they wanted a phone bill. They told me then they could just use my regular cell phone bill to use for the under writing team. I told them no, because my personal cell phone number isn’t connected to my business in anyway. I was told by my sales rep the problem would be dealt with and he’d get back to me. 2 & 1/2 weeks in to my trial, I still have no answer about any of the matter. I talk to Thomas again, and I’m told that it would be a shame to lose an account simply because of a phone bill. 3 weeks have gone by, nothing has been done, their devices don’t work with my phone, I’ve been fed lies about the situation being handled properly, and 2 days ago I decided just to end the account. I spoke to Thomas again, asking for an RMA number for the last device, and was told that he had a meeting with his manager about the situation, and would call me before he left. I received no call for the past 2 days. Today, I’m making sure they cancel the account and everything gets squared away.

    The hardest part is, since I was sent 2 devices for the different services my business provides, I have 2 accounts to cancel. Just got the email for one, and as I’m typing this, just remembered the other account. SAVE YOUR TIME, AND MONEY. 90 day trial, 3 weeks in and I’ve been told things that aren’t followed up, promises made that aren’t kept, and a horrible hassle for them wanting my personal info. And if you check the BBB for Commerce Payment Systems (their payment processor) they don’t have a A+… They have a C-… Garbage.

  • Douglas

    the company is a scam I worked there while I was in prison yes prison when you get a call from them ask if they are an inmate and they will either say please hold or hang up on you there is hidden fees and they Bill you for things you didn’t order my advise is spread the word and do not UAE this company

  • mad as hell

    What a rip off! These people certainly will take your credit card transactions but you must jump through moving hoops to get your funds.

    I received the credit card tool to work with my phone, I processed 2 transactions but received no funds. I called them they said I needed to send a utility bill to underwriting so they could confirm the business address. I had just moved my home to a different address, I use a home office, I had no utility bill. I sent them a document that was faxed to the state DVM to change my driver license address, and my business address. Evidently not good enough. I called and finally got to the underwriting office. They were adamant that they needed a utility bill. I don’t get a bill for my business as it is a home office. I stated that I was faxing a phone bill for my business, not good enough. Isn’t a pone a utility?

    Called again still not able to get them to release my funds. They did however charge me 99.86 for some kind of security scam. Never let me know it was going to happen, just withdrew the cash from my account.

    I am lodging a complaint with the BBB. Don’t let this scam company get your funds. A

  • Jeanine Robinson

    This company is absolutely the worst! We are a small business that signed up with them in October 2013. There was a change in the authorized user, which we submitted the proper paperwork in March 2014. We were told everything was clear in March 2014. We find out in May 2014, when there were new transactions, we were told the transition did not take place. They said they informed us. I told them, they did not. I told them they did not, the only reason we found out is because the owner of our company did not see the postings. Which is when I called to find out when would be able to see them. We then had to resubmit all of the information we’d already submitted. This process took two weeks. No one could give a clear explanation as to why we had to go through this process when all we were doing was changing the names of the authorized users. They then told us on two different occasion within a weeks time that the money would be released in 24 hours. Today, Monday, the owner states the money has still not been released. We were told again the money would come out of the account in 24 hours. Only to have them call back 20 minutes later to say there was a problem with the account. They stated they were uncomfortable with our transactions. However, we have not changed any of our processes. They would not give an explanation as to what changed, when the practice of our company is that some of our clients call in their credit card information. In the end, we were not able to get anywhere and they were returning the money back to our clients. That money ranges from $7,000 – 8,000 that we have to now chase down clients to have them resubmit their payments via check. This is going to cause a huge problem with our business. This is causing a huge inconvenience to us and our clients.

    This is absolutely absurd! It is so frustrating to not be able to speak to someone on a higher level to resolve this issue. We would have been more than happy to cancel our account with them after they released our funds, which are legitimate transactions. This is NOT a good reflection on us as a company to our clients.

    I can not express how upset we are. I wish they were here in Chicago, so I can go up to their office.

  • Jenny

    I signed up in Feb 2014. This company withdrew $64 from my business account, without me ever using their service. I did not activate the terminal, and I was still charged that amount. I canceled the service, put a stop payment on my checking account, and returned the terminal.
    Tom Smith was the sales agent that hooked me into this company. He is a lying, desperate, sales agent that convinced me Evolution BankCard can provide a lower rate than my current merchant services. I repeatedly contacted Evolutions, emailed Tom, and no body cares to take any action to credit back my money. Tom has not replied to any of my emails or calls.
    This company deserves to be investigated, shut down, and fined for ripping businesses off.
    Beware business owners!

  • snqrene

    I cannot believe what just happened to me. I have been ripped off so bad by this company I have been charged over 12% in some cases. I had once charge that I was able to track through the 4 pages of numbers. The transaction was for $12.10. there were 4 different charges on that ticket plus the swipe fee. I was flabbergasted!
    I called them today and they kept throwing me onto to hold. I waited and waited and waited ( through 38 ahead of me in 3 calls) and once the guy put me on hold and never came back and when I called the main number the girl put me on hold.
    Grant it I was not a happy customer but I still after hours cannot get my statement on line.
    It is scary and these people belong in JAIL!
    I will pursue this and write to the banking authorities.

  • Martin

    This company is a total scam and rip off. Whatever they promise are total lies. They offer you low rates to get your business. But, they charge much higher rates and fees that they didn’t disclose. They illegally charge my account for services that they didn’t provide. Customer service is very poor and management doesn’t bother to return your numerous phone calls to explain the reason for charges. Please do yourself a favor and stay away from this company.

  • andimal23

    This company is a complete scam and rip off. I have taken action against them with the Better Business Bureau and have hired an attorney. The promises they make are in deed too good to be true. They promised me they would save my company $75 per month, and that I can be up and running in 24 hours. It took 9 days to get the terminal, which was the wrong one (asked for internet line and they sent one for a phone line). It took another 2 days to get the correct terminal. When I finally got it all setup, we pulled in $1,500+ in credit card sales in 2 days. The money never deposited into our account.

    When I contacted them, I was told that underwriting did not approve me because the billing address was different than the service address on my electric bill statement; something they required upon applying for the account. So I sent a copy of the lease. That wasn’t good enough for them, it needed to be notarized. My landlord lives in Florida, and my business is in Illinois, I’ve never even met the man, so I couldn’t get it notarized. I sent a bank statement with our address, a letter from our gas company showing that service had been established, but these weren’t good enough for them and I don’t understand why.

    What else I don’t understand is why on earth would you send a credit card machine ready to accept charges and not check these things out first? Now they are holding my money and my business hostage, as I can’t order supplies and materials needed to replenish the stock that I sold over the weekend. It’s a never ending battle and now I have to get an attorney involved to obtain my funds, which will end up costing me hundreds, if not thousands (more than what they owe me).

    I would think twice about switching to some fancy named company with all of these promises when they are clearly out to get your money (and keep it).

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