Discover Data Review

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A Unified Payments-backed POS Provider

Founded in 2012, Discover Data is a merchant account provider reselling the services of Unified Payments through a multitude of POS solutions. The company advertises Poynt, Clover, Aptito, Aldelo, PAX POS, and HP POS, as its point-of-sale hardware options. Aptito and Aldelo especially cater to merchants in the restaurant industry. Though it utilizes Unified Payments for its backend processing, the company offers merchants interchange-plus pricing. Additionally, the company provides merchants with reporting services, cash advances, and gift card processing solutions.

Location and Ownership

Discover Data is headquartered at 3363 NE 163rd Street Suite 503, North Miami Beach, Florida. The company is a registered agent for Unified Payments that is a registered ISO of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA. Unified Payments is a registered ISO of Citizens Bank, N. A., Providence, RI, Unified Payments is a registered ISO of Esquire Bank N.A., Garden City, NY. Mikhail Takhalov is the owner of Discover Data.

Discover Data Review Table of Contents

  • Costs & Contract: Discover Data offers interchange-plus pricing through a three-year contract through Unified Payments with an early termination fee of $750.
  • Complaints & Service: Discover Data has received fewer than 10 public complaints.
  • BBB Rating: Discover Data does not currently have a profile with the Better Business Bureau at this time.
  • Sales & Marketing: Discover Data does hire independent sales representatives, though it has not received any complaints about its sales practices.
  • Rates & Fees: How Merchants Got The Best Rates With Discover Data.

Discover Data Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support No
Most Common Complaint N/A

Clean Complaint Record

At the time of this update, we are unable to locate any Discover Data complaints that describe the company as a scam, a ripoff, or take a negative tone about the company.

Discover Data Lawsuits

We have not found any outstanding class-action lawsuits or FTC complaints filed against Discover Data. Dissatisfied merchants who wish to pursue a non-litigious course of action against the company should consider reporting it to the relevant supervisory organizations.

Discover Data Customer Support Options

Discover Data offers no dedicated email address or phone number for customer service. There is a portion of its website dedicated to tech support, That section lists technical support phone numbers for PAX POS, Poynt, and First Data. The company also provides in-house tech support numbers for issues that arise during the business day or after-hours. Though that tech support is certainly beneficial to merchants considering the wide POS offering the company advertises, it is unclear how the company addresses billing or issues. It does appear that the company relies on the customer support of companies whose services it resells.

Though the company has a clean complaint record, that may be a by-product of the company’s small size. The lack of comprehensive customer service is far from the standard set by merchant account providers who excel in this area. Based on the full scope of those considerations, we award the company an average grade of a “C” in this category.

Discover Data Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

No BBB Profile Available at This Time

The Better Business Bureau does not currently maintain a profile for Discover Data. We therefore will not factor a BBB rating into this review.

Discover Data Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Swipe Rate Interchange + 0.30%
Keyed-in Rate Interchange + 0.30%
Virtual Terminal Rate Interchange + 0.30%
Payment Gateway Fee None
Batch Fee $0.15
Monthly Minimum Fee $25
PCI Compliance Fee None
PCI-Non Compliance Fee $21.95 Per Month
Early Termination Fee $750
Equipment Lease Terms 48 Month (locked)

Discover Data Pricing

Discover Data offers a 3-year contract through Unified Payments. The company lists its interchange-plus pricing model at a rate of interchange plus $0.30 for both swiped and keyed-in transactions. According to the company’s standard merchant agreement, the company charges a monthly minimum fee of $25, a $21.95 PCI non-compliance fee, and an early termination fee of $750, which is in line with the standard fee that Unified Payments charges. The company apparently does not charge a PCI compliance fee.

Discover Data’s merchant agreement does not outline any equipment lease terms. The company’s offering of POS systems implies that they resell that equipment or its lease terms through each manufacturer. However, the Discover Data also provides merchants with a conventional payment processing terminal option. Standard equipment leases through Unified Payments are non-cancelable through a 48-month lease term. It is likely that those lease terms apply to merchants who choose that option instead of a POS system from Discover Data.

Virtual Terminal and Payment Gateway Pricing

In addition to its storefront payment processing services, Discover Data also dedicates a portion of its website that advertises its virtual terminal and payment gateway services. It appears that the company’s standard transaction rates apply to e-commerce payments. While the company charges a batch fee of $0.15, it does not charge a payment gateway fee.

Transparent Rates With High Fees

While Discover Data’s ability to offer merchants interchange-plus pricing provides them with affordable and transparent rates, that benefit is offset by the company’s high fees. While the company notably does not charge a PCI compliance fee or gateway fee, it does impose Unified Payment’s standard $750 early termination fee. That fee is much higher than the industry average, which brings the company’s rating down to a “B” overall.

Discover Data Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Employs Independent Resellers Yes
Advertises Deceptive Rates No
Discloses All Important Terms Yes

A Company Hiring Independent Resellers

According to the company’s website, Discover Data does hire independent resellers. However, there are no available public complaints against them indicating that they engage in deceptive sales practices. It is unclear whether or not the company hires an inside sales team. While the Discover Data website lists a phone number, there is no line dedicated to a sales division of the company. As an ISO of Unified Payments, it appears that Discover Data in turn relies upon hiring independent resellers to drive the sales of its services.

No Deceptive Advertising

To its credit, Discover Data does not appear to engage in any deceptive advertising strategies in its official materials. Furthermore, its rate and fee schedule is clearly outlined on its website. We therefore award it a grade of “A.” If you suspect that Discover Data is charging you undisclosed fees, we recommend seeking an independent statement audit to find and eliminate hidden charges.

Our Discover Data Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

A Viable Option For POS Intensive Merchants

The wide array of POS systems offered by Discover Data can be appealing to niche industries. As the company’s website conveys, its POS solutions are specialized to serve businesses in the hospitality industry like restaurants. That specialization, coupled with the company’s interchange-plus pricing model makes Discover Data a viable option for merchants desiring accounts with comprehensive POS solutions. The lone issues worth pointing out to those merchants are the company’s expensive $795 early termination fee and lack of direct customer support.

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Discover Data Treat You?

1 User Reviews

  • Lorenzo Juanita

    Discover Data has been an absolute game-changer for our business! We were struggling to make sense of our vast data until we started using their services. Now, we have all the right insights at our fingertips, and it’s so easy to navigate through complex datasets.

    The platform’s user-friendly interface impressed us from day one. It feels like we have a personalized data analyst on our team, 24/7. With Discover Data, we’ve been able to identify crucial trends and patterns, which helped us make informed decisions and improve our overall efficiency.

    Moreover, their customer support is top-notch. Whenever we had questions or needed assistance, their team responded promptly and professionally.

    Thanks to Discover Data, we’re now more data-driven than ever before, and it’s had a noticeable impact on our bottom line. I highly recommend Discover Data to any business looking to harness the power of their data effortlessly.

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