How to Make Your Payment Processor Release Your Money

Every Business Owner's Worst Nightmare

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Have Your Funds Been Held?

Nothing brings your business to a screeching halt like finding out that your merchant account has been frozen, deactivated, or placed under review. It's a shockingly common event in the credit card processing industry, and it can happen to anyone at any time. If you've experienced a fund hold before, then you know how frustrating it can be to get a straight answer from your processor. If this is your first time, then you probably have a lot of questions without any satisfying answers.

Why They're Holding Your Money

Processors almost always hold your funds to protect themselves from risk. You may not know this, but your provider usually pays you before it officially receives your customer's money from your customer's bank. If it suspects that the customer's bank will not process the transaction for some reason, then it will hold off on giving you your money to avoid eating the cost of the failed transaction. On very rare occasions, a processor might also experience a temporary interruption in its own banking relationships and freeze all payments until this interruption is sorted out. For a full breakdown of reasons why your processor might hold your money, see our article on Why Credit Card Processors Hold Funds.


How to Make Them Hand It Over

Your Contract Is the Culprit

Your processor probably never warned you that they could lock your account like this. That's because you would have thought twice about getting a merchant account if you understood the risk involved. The unfortunate truth about fund holding is that whether or not you knew about it, you have already agreed to it.

For instance, see this section from Square‘s Terms of Use:

We may withhold funds by temporarily suspending or delaying payouts of Proceeds to you and/or designate an amount of funds that you must maintain in your Square Accounts or in a separate reserve account (a “Reserve”) to secure the performance of your obligations under any agreement between you and Square. We may require a Reserve for any reason related to your use of the Services. The Reserve will be in an amount as reasonably determined by us to cover potential losses to Square. The Reserve may be raised, reduced or removed at any time by Square, in its sole discretion, based on your payment history, a credit review, the amount of any arbitration award or court judgment against you in Square’s favor, or otherwise as Square or its processor may determine or require. If you do not have sufficient funds in your Reserve, we may fund the Reserve from any funding source associated with your Square Accounts, including any funds (a) deposited by you, (b) due to you, or (c) available in your bank account, or other payment instrument registered with us.

And this from PayPal‘s Terms of Use:

We may place a hold on payments sent to your PayPal account if, in our sole discretion, we believe that there may be a high level of risk associated with you, your PayPal account, or your transactions or that placing such a hold is necessary to comply with state or federal regulatory requirements. We make decisions about whether to place a payment hold based on a number of factors, including information available to us from both internal sources and third parties. When we place a hold on a payment, the funds will appear in your PayPal account with an indication that they are unavailable or pending. We’ll notify you, either through your PayPal account or directly by phone or email, whenever we place a hold.

And this from First Data's standard Program Guide:

You expressly authorize us to establish a Reserve Account pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this Section 25. The amount of such Reserve Account shall be set by us, in our sole discretion, based upon your processing history and the potential risk of loss to us as we may determine from time to time.

If you check your merchant account contract, you'll probably discover that only one side's discretion is taken into account in this situation, and it isn't yours.

Be Proactive

That doesn't mean you're powerless. The first thing you need to do is find out why the hold occurred and then do what it takes to fix the issue as soon as possible.

Reverse Any Chargebacks

It is very likely that a chargeback is the reason why your money was held up. A chargeback occurs when one of your customers notifies their bank that they did not consent to a transaction. The chargeback resolution process is heavily weighted in favor of customers because credit card fraud is extremely prevalent, but you can overturn chargebacks if you respond to them quickly. Follow the rules for successfully disputing a chargeback through Visa and MasterCard and be sure to submit all paperwork in a timely fashion. If you can challenge the chargeback and win the dispute, your processor might be willing to release the rest of your money.

Identify Any Possible Rules Violations

If a chargeback didn't prompt the hold, then it's possible that you have violated your processor's terms and conditions. Common violations include selling or advertising unauthorized products, misrepresenting your business type, or processing a transaction amount in excess of your account's limits. You may be in violation of your contract without even knowing it, which is why it's important to get in touch with your provider so that you can correct the issue as soon as possible. The longer you wait to bring yourself into compliance, the less trustworthy you will appear to be.

Be Cooperative

The last thing you probably want to do is have a polite chat with the people who have confiscated your money. However, calm communication and immediate compliance will go a long way toward convincing them to release your funds. Be sure to complete and submit all requested paperwork on time. Go out of your way to ask if you can provide more documentation to support your claim. In general, be as transparent and open as possible. You can report your provider and cancel your contract after you get your money back. Until then, you need to win their trust, no matter how annoying it might seem.

If Necessary, Be Aggressive

Let's be realistic: even if you follow all of the rules and provide total transparency, your processor still might not play ball. And as your contract clearly indicates, they aren't required to work on your timetable. That's when your last resort might come into play: legal action. Hiring a lawyer is a long shot, and it can be a very expensive undertaking, but it might be your only option left.

Two Can Play the Contract Game

Contracts are designed to protect both parties in a business relationship. If you can prove that your provider has not held up its end of the deal, then you may be able to invalidate the agreement that gives it the right to control your funds. Look for anything that might constitute a breach of contract, such as rate increases, altered contract language, and written offers that were not upheld. Get company representatives to acknowledge your evidence in an email if possible. Remember, you don't need to have an ironclad case that is sure to win. You just need to have a strong enough case that your provider would rather release your money than deal with arbitration or a possible lawsuit.

Be Prepared to Follow Through

Your processor has its own legal department and will likely not flinch if you threaten a lawsuit. That's why you need to be ready to put your money where your mouth is. Before you mention anything to your processor about legal action, be sure that you've found a lawyer who is willing to represent you for a reasonable rate. Ultimately, a good lawyer may cost you more than the full amount of your withheld funds, so this path may not be worth it. This is true regardless of whether you are forced into arbitration or you file a lawsuit. If it doesn't make financial sense to get a lawyer involved, then you might as well wait the 180 days for your money to be released and then move on.


Sometimes the Underdog Wins

Make no mistake: you do not have the upper hand in this situation. However, you can force your payment processor to release your money if you play your cards right. By taking proactive measures and diligently documenting your efforts, you will remove any cause for the hold on their end. If they continue to hold your funds without justification, you can take a more hostile approach. It's not impossible. You can win this. You just need to be patient, persistent, and a little bit lucky.

If you are concerned about having your funds withheld by a future processor, you should consider working with a top-rated merchant account provider or a high risk specialist.

Have you recovered your held funds from a payment processor? Tell us how in the comment section below:

Reader Comments

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42 User Reviews

  • Michaela Schmidt

    Hello my name is Michaela Schmidt, I’m a customer of Skrill. I am writing all of Skrills business associates to make them aware of Skrills business practices.

    I opened an account with Skrill beginning of this year. I use the account in conjunction with chumba. I made a $200 deposit January 12th that was debited from my account 3 days later on the 15th. It took Skrill 7 days to credit my account on the 19th. The day before the $200 was credited to my Skrill account
    I made a transfer from chumba to Skrill For $700. When I tried to move the money from Skrill to my bank account a few hours after I made the deposit my Skrill account was restricted.

    I contacted Skrill to get the details of the restriction and they couldn’t provide any information. In the last two days my Skrill account has been restricted, had the restriction released and as soon as I went to transfer the $620 out of skrill again it was restricted not allowing me to make the transfer. Skrill has restricted my account twice now in 24 hours and denied me my funds for 2 days. The $200 deposit I made on the 12th I have yet to get my hands on.

    I want to make you aware that Skrill are thieves. They cannot or will not give me any answers. I’ve been told they are working on it and I need to wait. I have requested to speak with managers all to be told,” one will give me a call”, which has never happened. I’ve reported them to the banking commission.

    Due to Skrills sketchy business tactics I began looking into Skrill. This seems to be a common problem Skrill has with their customers.

    When I signed up for Skrill nowhere did I agree to let this company hold my money hostage for their benefit. I can’t get so much as a return phone call from someone in management. All I’ve heard for the last week from customer service is,” I’m sorry, I’ll notify my colleagues.”

    So whether you are or a partner or a customer of Skrill, do not expect any integrity from them. They will take your money and with no explanation say, “you will have to wait.

    For your information,
    Michaela Schmidt

  • Jeffrey Webb

    Grey Wolf Armory LLC

    While I have not yet recovered the funds, TSYS has attempted to hold funds from what they allege was a mistake in handling a chargeback from nearly FOUR YEARS ago where a customer bought a very expensive gun (I have Federal paperwork for the transaction showing they picked up the rifle) then tried to claim it was a fraudulent purchase. The Uniform Commercial Code bars claims under a statute of limitations after either 12-months or 3-years depending on the type of claim. Regardless of which way you would interpret the SoL, the UCC would bar a claim made four years after the fact. Looks like I get to go to court for this one.

  • steve dillon

    steve dillon's carpet cleaning

    Thank you Philip for post my complaint on Merchant One confiscating $4,100 of my last 15 carpet cleaning jobs. I also filed it with BBB and Merchant One replied they don’t have my new business account number after 4 times acknowledging they do beginning with my completed account transfer form. It’s great to have you standing up the little guy like David and Goliath,

  • Kip

    Thank you for an evenly balanced dissertation on a a subject I am learning a lot about in a hurry. My account has been closed, without any notice, by wepay for being a “high risk of chargeback”, without ever having triggered one. Upon perusing the Terms of Service (which, as you rightly point out, few users are aware of)it seems that this determination was made by negligently enforcing the agreement wepay fobbed on me: they are at fault and, on prima facie evidence, it seems they have closed my account arbitrarily, negligently applying their own terms of service, resulting in damage to me personally and to my business. I intend to exact due redress of this grievance to the full extent of the law. Any suggestions concerning lawyers who might ant to take my case?

  • Albert

    All of these card processors are unreliable. I consumed Luminous-Netevia. I provide mobile catering services throughout all states, so I regularly send invoices to all of my clients so they may make payments on their end. Since I was in Texas and the customer was in California, they held onto the money for 120 days, which to me makes absolutely no sense. When I called to request that the money be released on the due date, I was told that half of the payment would be released by the end of the day and the remaining half would be released in 30 days

    I once used Payment Cloud, and there was a $8,000 chargeback from a customer. I sent in supporting documentation, and I won the case because the bank, not the customer, had initiated the dispute. Payment Cloud released my funds after 120 days but closed the account.
    Authorize Net Affiliates to the Same Payment Cloud Held My Funds Because I Processed More Than the Monthly Limit of $3,000 and I Processed $4,250, They Were Only Supposed to Increase the Limit, But They Instead Held the Funds for 180 Days, Which Is So Crazy.

    I signed up with Slice as my processor, but it was just for a short period of time. When two clients processed $5,000 more than the big ticket amount of $2,500, they decided to keep the money—along with the small transactions I made from various customers totaling $2,900—for 60 days.

    The processor Stax I like a little bit better than the rest but they’re also not an exemption . They have been my provider for a few months, and they typically send my payment within 7 days. Two days after the sale was processed, I was supposed to refund a customer $541, so I issued a refund before the sales amount would be deposited in seven days. When Stax tried to deduct the refund amount from my account even though it hadn’t been deposited at all, I told them that wasn’t going to happen, and they closed the account and withheld the remaining $2,700 in sales for six months.

    Don’t do business with all of them they’re crooks use our business money for investment while they said is in reserve account is all lies!!!
    PayPal and stripe is the worst of them all don’t try it

  • Jason D Winn

    Winn Law

    I am an attorney in Tallahassee, Florida amy client was using Braintree to process CC’s through the PayPal service. On January 13, 2022, we processed $24,789.73 in CC transactions through Braintree. Since January 13, 2022 Braintree has not released one dollar nor one cent from the $24,789.73. Since January 13, 2022, Braintree has kept, seized, and illegally confiscated $24,789.73, without notice and without any legal reason. So, I have reached out to the CEO of Braintree, to ask, where do I send my notice of filing a lawsuit against Braintree? Braintree doesn’t list any email, and all phone numbers go directly to PayPal, unless its sales and that call center is in the Philippines, and do. We have contacted PayPal and they say it is up Braintree to resolve. So, will you assist in resolving this matter? $24,789.73 may not be a lot of money to a large corporation, but to a small statewide association in Florida, this is a HUGE amount of money. I will be filing suit and need to properly serve Braintree, but don’t have an address. Look forward to working with you to resolve this tangled web Braintree and PayPal has designed…As it appears it was done intentionally to avoid ever having to speak with an actual customer and without having to respond to any claims of fraud against your company…FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT

  • Rell shep

    Docks & Repairs

    I’ve had square for a year & I had a bigger job come up and he wanted to pay with a cc so I sent him a invoice for cost of materials for $3500 that was on a Friday after 4:30 they said funds would be released in one business day & when it wasn’t I called and they said an email was sent but I never seen it. I talked to 2 different ppl & neither one could give me a reason as to why they deactivated my account I asked for a supervisor they said no one was available.. they should not be able to deactivate an account like this. It hurts small business owners like my self.. they told me to issue a refund but do you know how bad that looks for a small business!? I mean its ridiculous! I hope everything works out for everyone on here good luck

  • Scott

    2Checkout has held my funds for more than a month, total is almost $24,000. I was not sent an email and when I logged in no explanation was available. After emailing I was told it was because the account info was wrong. When I corrected the info, they replied saying it was the same as before, therefore I needed to upload a statement with SWIFT code and other info that my bank doesn’t put on statements. They are not reading my emails properly and not replying promptly. There is nobody to talk to and no complaints mechanism.

  • Matt Varley

    Hello, i’m in the UK and used Square, they then froze my account and are holding my funds (approx £400) it’s not a great deal but this was all my profits from my first sales.
    Does anyone ever get their money back from Square?


  • Dylan Cohen

    Do not fall into the easy trap of switching Stripe on for your credit card processing. While they have the typical delay to start payments, I was surprised about two weeks into using them that they have arbitrarily decided to stop payments requiring additional account verification. Even after providing all the required information, they continued the hold payments and starts creating rules for accepting payments going forward without providing any information about releasing funds for already duly executed transactions. I am a restaurant trying to survive during Covid-19 and managed to build rather quickly a delivery/takeout business driven by the online the sales platform powered with Stripe credit card processing. In my view, I had actually found a way to survive in the most difficult of circumstance and now Stripe by holding my funds is pushing my business towards failure. So hard to believe that a credit card processor could do more damage to me than a pandemic. Do Not Work With Stripe!!!

  • Lise

    I’m having a tough time getting my money back from Home Away /VRBO my trip was cancelled by owner Charles Custodio in Estero Florida due to Covid-19. The owner Charles cancelled my stay called VRBO/Home Away verbally and signed in to them.
    I’m still waiting for my refund since March 18/2020 . Home Away keeps giving me new case number. I was given my service fee of 435.00 only. Now they say Yapstone is in charge. It is Home Away who has my money.

  • Brian Schaible

    I put $2,700 in PayPal for travel expenses. Transferred from US bank account. When I got to my destination in the US I opened a new bank account and verified everything. When I transferred the money PP put a hold on my account. Customer service has not been able to assist me. They blame it on their security program. Now I can’t get my money in any way. It just sits there. I can’t use Walmart, Xoom, or load a credit card. PayPal has essentially stolen my money. What can I do.

  • Sean

    We ran a charge for $25k from a business that we are related to from an ownership perspective. Both businesses have one investor in common. We have done this many times in the past.

    This time however, Forte asked for proof of purchase. After I sent that to them, they gave no further communication. Six days later and dozens of calls they finally told me that the charge was not allowed.

    But, instead of declining the charge and returning the money, they are requiring me to issue a refund. But I didn’t receive the money and don’t trust that they won’t take the money from my bank account.

    Does anyone know if this is a real thing with the ownership. The businesses are completely seperate corporations and are in different cities with different ownership. One owner has an ownership in each but otherwise they are completely seperate entities.

    Also, is it normal that I would have to issue a refund instead of them just denying the charge and returning the money to the buyer?

  • Eric D. Viola

    Been trying to access paypal account for 3 weeks, cannot get in touch with anyone that can assist. Keep being told its been escalated and would get contacted. 3 weeks later, still no answers.

    Currently on hold waiting for supervisor for 2 hours by Ryan emp number: 1670147.

    Just want to get my money back

  • Glenda Freeman

    I am going through it now with Square. They stated I had a negative balance on my account, but shows being positive.

    A purchase was made and cancelled within minutes…needing a refund. I processed the refund and Square stated it was unable to process the refund because they took the money to satisfy the negative balance. Square never sent me a letter, email, called or posted to my account being negative or what are my options to take of the negative balance. I have taken screenshots showing where my account does not have a negative balance.

    I spoke to 5 different representatives yesterday with no resolution as to having that refund processed.

    I am 1300 in the hole.

    • Angela Morrow

      How did you talk to a human at Square? I called the # and the recording says I need a customer code that I can get from signing in. I cannot find it! They’ve been holding my money from a transaction in October and another one in December.

    • David Stafford

      I don’t know what to do I have a debit card through Dave and I got a cash advance for $200 but then the merchant on a three-way call called my bank and told him to give me back my money but yet they’re still continuing to hold my money for 7 days for no apparent reason besides they’re trying to profit off of this after the merchant has called them to tell them released the money they still refuse to they still give me the 7-Day rule I don’t understand

  • Roxanna

    I hate to do this but is it not strange that a company as large as Cashapp only has email support? I am in a serious bind because my account was compromised and my money is now in limbo. I’ve emailed them over 100 times before I received a response and that was because I messaged them on twitter with screenshots of my issue. This to me is unacceptable! I just received an email and they stated “I am sorry for your inconvenience but we cannot release your funds or give you access to your account. Have a nice day!” A nice day? So Cashapp, a large company wants me to have a nice day while they hold onto my $3475? So as a last resort I looked up employees and sent messages about my situation. I know it may be rude or frowned upon but the customer service is unacceptable and I have children who need to be fed and lights to keep on. I hope this gets me some attention and not just for me but to other customers who have to post on Twitter to get assistance. Is there anything else I can do? They acknowledged yesterday that they see my funds but I haven’t proved it’s my account. I’ve given them everything possible to give!

  • Monica parrish

    I sold earrings on OfferUp customer payed me $800 on cash app he demanded me to go buy a Google gift card and call him with the card number which made no sense for me to buy this card for $800 then to give him the card nber .I refused and I have not gotten my money from cash app I’m dandingy money now before I go steps ahead and go public air this over t.v and punblish this act of fraud the earrings he got away with were worth $1500. I sold them to him for $800.

  • Gail G

    I sold a boat through eBay, and it was sold as “local pick up” only. I have my customer the option of paying through PayPal or on sight. He chose to pay on sight. After receiving, what he called “repeated”, emails reminding him to pay, he paid through PayPal. I did not send him any payment reminders. Still no problem…. I thought. He picked his boat up and paid during the last week of June. Now, PayPal is holding my funds until, “tracking info confirms delivery, the buyer personally verifies delivery to PayPal, or July 18”, which is 21 days from the date he picked up his boat. I emailed him and asked him to verify to eBay that it was a successful transaction and that his item was as described. He did that because that’s what I was told to do in the beginning. eBay released their hold so I thought great! No, not great. Now PayPal says because I normally sell coins, and this time it was a boat, they, PayPal, has determined it was an “unusual transaction”so PayPal placed a hold on my funds. So eBay sends PayPal an email on my behalf saying all is well here and she received a positive feedback the customer is happy please release her funds within 24 hours. 24 hours later, still held, so I call again, now I’m told call PayPal and explain your situation and tell them my name is #### and they can 3-way call me here at eBay and I will verify your info. So I did that, PayPal rep says, “we did receive from eBay that your sale was successful and customer is happy, however, your funds were placed on hold by our system, and we can’t manually release your funds because we don’t have a button for that option”. Really? The system did it and you don’t have a button? Ok can I speak with a supervisor please, I asked. I was told the supervisor would only tell me the same, I said ok fine, let them tell me please. I was placed on hold 37 minutes then disconnected. Three times over the past week I’ve called and same thing, I ask for a supervisor, I’m told supervisor will say the same, and all three times placed on hold until I’m home up on. Least wait to be hung up on was 29 minutes I think it was, and longest wait was 49 minutes. PayPal says now, the only person who can release the funds is the buyer or delivery confirmation. And supposedly they have sent an email to the buyer every time I’ve called them. I finally reached the buyer today who has been, guess where, yes on vacation with the new boat. The buyer tells me the only thing he got was one email that said he didn’t need to do anything else. So I said no problem maybe I can get them to resend. So I called again today, they said they resent him an email saying log into your account, click on my transaction and then click release payment. I’ve never heard of that but ok, the buyer says he didn’t get another email. I say no problem, they just said log into your PayPal and click on our transaction, see if you see an option that says release payment. He emails me back and says PayPal won’t let him log in now at all and he thinks he has been locked out. And that’s where I am now. Buyer is happy, eBay is happy, PayPal has their fee and are earning interest of my money so they are happy, the only person who isn’t happy is me, the person paying ALL fees associated with the sale, and The person paying PayPal to basically hold my money almost a month, if they even release it on the 18th. I’m beside myself.

    This post will help: How to Make Your Payment Processor Release Your Money


  • Sue Hood

    Opened an account with Square and deposited almost $5,500.00 using my customer cc information provided. Square deactivated my account and deleted my customer code so I no longer have access to phone support. No reason given. After one week, they advised our funds would be held for 90 days

    This post will help: How to Contact Square

  • Garry

    I started using Stripe for cc payments. I got all setup and they gave me the green light to accept payments and send invoices. I got a $10 payment and the next one was for $7800. Now after being encouraged by Stripe to start accepting payments as soon as its time to payout for the second amount there is a review on my account. The payment is legit from a well established company that’s been in business for 40+ years, they are easy to find and contact, there’s no dispute, nothing bad about the transaction. I ship the items before invoicing him so there was no risk on his behalf. I feel like they lured me to get a balance by telling me to go ahead and everything’s good just so they could put a hold on the money for their own money making investment greed. Don’t you think it would be in their best interest to review and approve everything about their clients before they allow them access to their services? That’s what makes me think something else is going on. They have it setup to purposely put a hold on your account and freeze your money so they can invest it and make a profit as long as they can. That’s why there is a part in there terms and conditions that states I’m not entitled to any of the interest profits from my money they hold. This is deceit. It shouldn’t be legal but wouldn’t surprise me in the US.

    This post will help: Why Credit Card Processors Hold Funds


  • Urszula

    Stripe is holding my 8000 euros without any explanations! After one year of processing small transactions in a small e-shop, one client made bigger order and – guess! – this is when I received information and account is CLOSED and my money TAKEN for ¨possible dispute”. WHAT?? I cannot make the order, I lost the client, I face being sued by him obviously.
    I wish I had read the comments and never started the cooperations with this STEALING company again. Please help,what can I do now??

    This post will help: Best Merchant Accounts for E-Commerce


  • khulan Enkhtaivan

    I’m very disappointed with Stripe now.
     Because we couldn’t solve the payment issue.
    Stripe didn’t refund my client’s nearly $50000.00. Has been kept in Strip company without return back or transfer to our company account for more than 2months.
    No response , no result. Endless delay.

    This has caused me lots of troubles and complains from client. Will ruin my business.
    We’ve kept sending emails to them.All automatically responds with seriously answers.

    From The Editor
    This Post Might Help: How to Make Your Payment Processor Release Your Money

    • Virgilio de sa

      Stripe is holding 10.000 GBP to their account for no reason. They have accepted the account and agreed to the payments latest 3 payments, cumulating the amount above , they kept the money for 2 weeks ( for security reason ) everything was ready, today was the payout date for the first amount, tomorrow for the second and the day after tomorrow the payout for the third amount. and guess what . STRIPE HAS FREEZE THE FUNDS , telling they will refund the customers ( no complaint or chargeback is in progress , neither the customers are aware about this ); they have freeze the funds and ALSO SEND US AN INVOICE FOR THEIR PROCESSING FEE ( 300 GBP ) WHICH THEY HAVE TAKEN FROM OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY. THIS COMPANY IS BS . WE WILL TRY WITH FINANCIAL OMBUDSMAN IN LONDON TO SEE WHAT CAN WE DO . DO NOT SIGNUP WITH THIS THIEVES !!

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