April 2019 Interchange Fee Increases & Decreases

Your Fees May Have Gone Up!

© Depositphotos – Robyn Mackenzie
Every April and October, Visa and Mastercard adjust their interchange fees (the base fees for accepting all credit and debit cards). If you are currently on an interchange-plus pricing plan, this will impact the rates you pay on certain transactions. Some of your rates may have gone up, some may have gone down, and some new interchange classifications may have been added that may now apply to you.

Wells Fargo has prepared an incredibly useful matrix that outlines the new interchange rates and highlights which fees have been adjusted. These changes are active as of April 12, 2019, and they can be expected to last until mid-October 2019 barring a rare July update from one of the card networks. In an effort to spare you the effort of browsing through 100 pages of interchange fees, we've summarized the updated fees below. Note: if an interchange fee is not mentioned in this summary, it has not been changed since the October 2018 interchange update.


Visa Interchange Adjustments April 2019

Below are the updated interchange fees for Visa card types as of April 2019. See the bottom of this section for a general summary of these changes.

Visa Interchange Fee Increases

  • Visa has increased the Base International Service Fee that it charges whenever the merchant’s location differs from the country where the card was issued and the transaction is settled in USD. This fee is now 1.00% for all such transactions
  • Visa has increased the Enhanced International Service Fee that it charges whenever the merchant’s location differs from the country where the card was issued and the transaction is not settled in USD. This fee is now 1.40% for all such transactions

Visa Interchange Fee Decreases

Visa did not lower any of its interchange rates during this update.

New Visa Interchange Fees

  • The Visa Authorization Processing Fee (Variable Credit – U.S.) of $0.0395 per transaction now applies to all Visa-branded credit authorizations acquired in the U.S. where the issuer or cardholder is located in the U.S. This fee does not apply to Zero Dollar Verification messages or credit authorization reversals
  • The Visa Authorization Processing Fee (Variable Debit – U.S.) of $0.0155 per transaction now applies to all Visa-branded Non-PIN Debit and prepaid authorizations acquired in the U.S. where the issuer or cardholder is located in the U.S. This fee does not apply to Zero Dollar Verification messages or Non-PIN Debit/prepaid authorization reversals
  • The Visa Credit Voucher Data Processing Fee (Credit – U.S.) of $0.0195 per transaction now applies to all Visa-branded credit return transactions acquired in the U.S. where the issuer or cardholder is located in the U.S.
  • The Visa Credit Voucher Data Processing Fee (Debit/Prepaid – U.S.) of $0.0155 per transaction now applies to all Visa-branded debit and prepaid return transactions acquired in the U.S. where the issuer or cardholder is located in the U.S.
  • A Visa Authorization Processing Fee (Variable Credit – International) of $0.0395 has been created. It applies to all Visa-branded credit authorizations acquired in the U.S. where the issuer or cardholder is not located in the U.S. This fee does not apply to Zero Dollar Verification messages or credit authorization reversals
  • A Visa Authorization Processing Fee (Variable Debit – International) of $0.0355 has been created. It applies to all Visa-branded Non-PIN Debit and prepaid authorizations acquired in the U.S. where the issuer or cardholder is not located in the U.S. This fee does not apply to Zero Dollar Verification messages or Non-PIN Debit/prepaid authorization reversals
  • A Visa Credit Voucher Data Processing Fee (Credit – International) of $0.0395 has been created. It applies to all Visa-branded credit return transactions acquired in the U.S. where the issuer or cardholder is not located in the U.S.
  • A Visa Credit Voucher Data Processing Fee (Debit/Prepaid – International) of $0.0355 has been created. It applies to all Visa-branded debit and prepaid return transactions acquired in the U.S. where the issuer or cardholder is not located in the U.S.

Visa Interchange Summary

Visa's April interchange adjustments have mostly impacted the costs of international transactions. Merchants will pay more to accept credit card payments from foreign issuers whether they settle the payment in USD or not. They will also be subject to new authorization fees for international card purchases and returns. Visa made no fee decreases during this update.

If you are contacted by a representative from “Visa,” “Mastercard,” “the card networks,” or “the acquiring bank” who claims that your rates have increased or decreased, this person is likely attempting to trap you in a “slamming” scam. Visa's interchange rates can be seen here.

Mastercard Interchange Adjustments April 2019

Below are the updated interchange fees for Mastercard card types as of April 2019. See the bottom of this section for a general summary of these changes.

Mastercard Interchange Fee Increases

  • Mastercard has increased its rate for Non-Regulated Consumer Debit cards under the “Merit I” interchange program to 1.65% plus $0.15
  • Mastercard has increased its rate Non-Regulated Consumer Debit cards under the “Key Entered” interchange program to 1.65% plus $0.15
  • Mastercard has increased its rate for Non-Regulated Consumer Debit cards under the “Merit I E-Commerce” interchange program to 1.65% plus $0.15
  • Mastercard has increased its rate for Non-Regulated Consumer Debit cards under the “Utility” interchange program to $0.65
  • Mastercard has increased its rate for Large Market cards under the “Commercial Large Ticket” interchange program to 1.45% plus $35.00. Large Market cards include Corporate, World Corporate, World Elite Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, and Commercial Payment Account cards
  • Mastercard has increased its rate for Large Market cards under the “Commercial Travel & Entertainment” interchange program to 2.65% plus $0.10

Mastercard Interchange Fee Decreases

  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 1 cards under the “Commercial Data Rate II” interchange program to 1.90% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 2 cards under the “Commercial Data Rate II” interchange program to 2.05% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 3 cards under the “Commercial Data Rate II” interchange program to 2.10% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 4 cards under the “Commercial Data Rate II” interchange program to 2.20% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Non-Regulated Business Debit cards under the “Commercial Data Rate II” interchange program to 2.10% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 1 cards under the “Commercial Data Rate II Petroleum” interchange program to 1.90% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 2 cards under the “Commercial Data Rate II Petroleum” interchange program to 2.05% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 3 cards under the “Commercial Data Rate II Petroleum” interchange program to 2.10% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 4 cards under the “Commercial Data Rate II Petroleum” interchange program to 2.20% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 2 cards under the “Commercial Data Rate I” interchange program to 2.80% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 3 cards under the “Commercial Data Rate I” interchange program to 2.85% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 4 cards under the “Commercial Data Rate I” interchange program to 2.95% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 2 cards under the “Commercial Standard” interchange program to 3.10% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 3 cards under the “Commercial Standard” interchange program to 3.15% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 4 cards under the “Commercial Standard” interchange program to 3.25% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 2 cards under the “Commercial Travel & Entertainment” interchange program to 2.50% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 3 cards under the “Commercial Travel & Entertainment” interchange program to 2.55% plus $0.10
  • Mastercard has decreased its rate for Business Level 4 cards under the “Commercial Travel & Entertainment” interchange program to 2.65% plus $0.10

New Mastercard Interchange Fees

  • Mastercard has deleted its “Commercial Large Ticket III” interchange program and all of its accompanying rates
  • Mastercard has deleted its “Commercial Large Ticket II” interchange program and all of its accompanying rates
  • Mastercard has deleted the Level 1/Business Core, Level 2/World Business, Level 3/World Elite Business, Level 4, and Non-Regulated Business Debit rates from its “Commercial Large Ticket” interchange program
  • Mastercard has deleted the Level 1/Business Core, Level 2/World Business, Level 3/World Elite Business, Level 4, and Non-Regulated Business Debit rates from its “Commercial Data Rate III” interchange program
  • Mastercard has added a Business Level 5 rate of 2.25% plus $0.10 to its “Commercial Data Rate II” interchange program
  • Mastercard has added a Non-Regulated Business Prepaid rate of 2.65% plus $0.10 to its “Commercial Data Rate II” interchange program
  • Mastercard has added a Business Level 5 rate of 2.25% plus $0.10 to its “Commercial Data Rate II Petroleum” interchange program
  • Mastercard has added a Non-Regulated Business Prepaid rate of 2.05% plus $0.10 to its “Commercial Data Rate II Petroleum” interchange program
  • Mastercard has added a Business Level 5 rate of 3.00% plus $0.10 to its “Commercial Data Rate I” interchange program
  • Mastercard has added a Non-Regulated Business Debit rate of 2.65% plus $0.10 to its “Commercial Data Rate I” interchange program
  • Mastercard has added a Non-Regulated Business Prepaid rate of 2.65% plus $0.10 to its “Commercial Data Rate I” interchange program
  • Mastercard has added a “Commercial Freight” interchange program that includes a Commercial Freight Business – Purchase rate of 1.80%
  • Mastercard has added a Business Level 5 rate of 3.30% plus $0.10 to its “Commercial Standard” interchange program
  • Mastercard has added a Non-Regulated Business Debit rate of 2.95% plus $0.10 to its “Commercial Standard” interchange program
  • Mastercard has added a Non-Regulated Business Prepaid rate of 2.95% plus $0.10 to its “Commercial Standard” interchange program
  • Mastercard has deleted its “Commercial Travel & Entertainment III” interchange program and all of its accompanying rates
  • Mastercard has added a Business Level 5 rate of 2.70% plus $0.10 to its “Commercial Travel & Entertainment” interchange program
  • Mastercard has deleted its “Commercial Travel & Entertainment I” interchange program and all of its accompanying rates
  • Mastercard has added a Mastercard Transaction Processing Excellence – Pre Authorization fee of $0.045 that applies to pre-authorizations that are not fully reversed or cleared within 30 calendar days of the authorization date
  • Mastercard has added a Mastercard Transaction Processing Excellence – Undefined Authorization fee of $0.045 that applies to undefined authorizations that are not fully reversed or cleared within 7 calendar days of the authorization date
  • Mastercard has added a Mastercard Transaction Processing Excellence – Final Authorization fee of 0.25% ($0.04 minimum) that applies:
    • to final authorizations that are not fully reversed or cleared within 7 calendar days of the authorization date OR
    • when the final authorization amount does not equal the clearing amount OR
    • when the final authorization currency code does not match the clearing currency code
  • Mastercard has added a Mastercard Transaction Processing Excellence – Excessive Authorizations fee of $0.10 that applies to authorization attempts after 20 previous issuer-declined attempts on the same account number within a 24-hour period. This fee will take effect on July 15
  • Mastercard has added a Mastercard Transaction Processing Excellence – Detail Reporting fee of $0.012 that applies to any authorization that generates a transaction processing excellence fee for pre-authorizations, final authorizations, undefined authorizations, or excessive authorizations
  • Mastercard has added a Mastercard Global Freight Program fee of 0.50% that applies to all sale transactions where the Mastercard card product is Mastercard Enterprise Solutions. Transactions assessed this fee will not be assessed Mastercard Acquirer Brand Volume, Mastercard US Cross Border USD, Mastercard US Cross Border non-USD, and Mastercard Network Access Brand Usage fees

Mastercard Interchange Summary

Mastercard has made a large number of changes that primarily affect its non-regulated debit and business card rates. Its debit fees generally increased, while its business rates either decreased or were eliminated. Merchants can understand and plan for the debit rate hike by reading up on the difference between regulated and non-regulated debit cards.


Discover Interchange Adjustments April 2019

Below are the updated interchange fees for Discover card types as of April 2019. See the bottom of this section for a general summary of these changes.

Discover Interchange Fee Increases

  • Discover has increased its rate for Rewards cards under the “PSL – Restaurant” interchange program to 1.95% plus $0.10
  • Discover has increased its rate for Premium cards under the “PSL – Restaurant” interchange program to 2.30% plus $0.10
  • Discover has increased its rate for Credit cards under the “PSL – Key Entry” interchange program to 1.89% plus $0.10
  • Discover has increased its rate for Rewards cards under the “PSL – Key Entry” interchange program to 2.00% plus $0.10
  • Discover has increased its rate for Credit cards under the “PSL – Card Not Present” interchange program to 1.89% plus $0.10
  • Discover has increased its rate for Rewards cards under the “PSL – Card Not Present” interchange program to 2.00% plus $0.10
  • Discover has increased its rate for Premium Plus cards under the “PSL – Card Not Present” interchange program to 2.40% plus $0.10
  • Discover has increased its rate for Credit cards under the “PSL – E-Commerce” interchange program to 1.89% plus $0.10
  • Discover has increased its rate for Rewards cards under the “PSL – E-Commerce” interchange program to 2.00% plus $0.10
  • Discover has increased its rate for Premium Plus cards under the “PSL – E-Commerce” interchange program to 2.40% plus $0.10
  • Discover has increased its rate for Non-Regulated Consumer Debit/Prepaid cards under the “PSL – Passenger Transport” interchange program to 1.60% plus $0.15
  • Discover has increased its rate for Non-Regulated Consumer Debit/Prepaid cards under the “Base Submission Level” interchange program to 1.90% plus $0.25

Discover Interchange Fee Decreases

  • Discover has decreased its rate for Rewards cards under the “PSL – Supermarket” interchange program to 1.60% plus $0.10
  • Discover has decreased its rate for Premium cards under the “PSL – Supermarket” interchange program to 1.60% plus $0.10

New Discover Interchange Fees

  • Discover has added a “PSL – E-Commerce Secure” interchange program that is not available to high risk, quasi cash, or non-financial institution stored value card providers
  • Discover has added a Credit rate of 1.89% plus $0.10 to its “PSL – E-Commerce Secure” interchange program
  • Discover has added a Rewards rate of 2.00% plus $0.10 to its “PSL – E-Commerce Secure” interchange program
  • Discover has added a Premium rate of 2.00% plus $0.10 to its “PSL – E-Commerce Secure” interchange program
  • Discover has added a Premium Plus rate of 2.40% plus $0.10 to its “PSL – E-Commerce Secure” interchange program
  • Discover has added a Non-Regulated Consumer Debit rate of 1.75% plus $0.20 to its “PSL – E-Commerce Secure” interchange program
  • Discover has added a Non-Regulated Consumer Prepaid rate of 1.75% plus $0.20 to its “PSL – E-Commerce Secure” interchange program
  • Discover has added a Regulated Consumer Debit/Consumer Prepaid rate of 0.05% plus $0.21 to its “PSL – E-Commerce Secure” interchange program
  • Discover has added a Regulated Consumer Debit/Consumer Prepaid with Fraud Adjustment rate of 0.05% plus $0.22 to its “PSL – E-Commerce Secure” interchange program

Discover Interchange Summary

Discover has increased many of its mid-qualified and non-qualified rates across a wide range of interchange programs. It has also created a brand-new interchange program designed for e-commerce businesses that operate in traditionally low-risk sectors. Discover does not freely provide its interchange rates to the public.


American Express Interchange Adjustments April 2019

Below are the updated interchange fees for American Express card types as of April 2019. See the bottom of this section for a general summary of these changes.

American Express Interchange Fee Increases

  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Base Tier 1 cards under the “Business to Business / Wholesale” interchange program to 1.65% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Base Tier 2 cards under the “Business to Business / Wholesale” interchange program to 1.90% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Base Tier 3 cards under the “Business to Business / Wholesale” interchange program to 2.35% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 1 cards under the “Business to Business / Wholesale” interchange program to 1.95% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 2 cards under the “Business to Business / Wholesale” interchange program to 2.20% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 3 cards under the “Business to Business / Wholesale” interchange program to 2.65% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Tier 1 Non-US cards under the “Business to Business / Wholesale” interchange program to 2.05% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Tier 2 Non-US cards under the “Business to Business / Wholesale” interchange program to 2.30% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Tier 3 Non-US cards under the “Business to Business / Wholesale” interchange program to 2.75% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 1 Non-US cards under the “Business to Business / Wholesale” interchange program to 2.35% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 2 Non-US cards under the “Business to Business / Wholesale” interchange program to 2.60% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 3 Non-US cards under the “Business to Business / Wholesale” interchange program to 3.05% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Base Tier 2 cards under the “Restaurant” interchange program to 2.50% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Base Tier 3 cards under the “Restaurant” interchange program to 2.85% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 2 cards under the “Restaurant” interchange program to 2.80% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 3 cards under the “Restaurant” interchange program to 3.15% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Tier 2 Non-US cards under the “Restaurant” interchange program to 2.90% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Tier 3 Non-US cards under the “Restaurant” interchange program to 3.25% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 2 Non-US cards under the “Restaurant” interchange program to 3.20% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 3 Non-US cards under the “Restaurant” interchange program to 3.55% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Base Tier 1 cards under the “Services & Professional Services” interchange program to 1.70% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Base Tier 2 cards under the “Services & Professional Services” interchange program to 2.00% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 1 cards under the “Services & Professional Services” interchange program to 2.00% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 2 cards under the “Services & Professional Services” interchange program to 2.30% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Tier 1 Non-US cards under the “Services & Professional Services” interchange program to 2.10% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Tier 2 Non-US cards under the “Services & Professional Services” interchange program to 2.40% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 1 Non-US cards under the “Services & Professional Services” interchange program to 2.40% plus $0.10
  • American Express has increased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 2 Non-US cards under the “Services & Professional Services” interchange program to 2.70% plus $0.10

American Express Interchange Fee Decreases

  • American Express has decreased its rate for Credit Base Tier 0 cards under the “Restaurant” interchange program to 1.60% plus $0.04
  • American Express has decreased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 0 cards under the “Restaurant” interchange program to 1.90% plus $0.04
  • American Express has decreased its rate for Credit Tier 0 Non-US cards under the “Restaurant” interchange program to 2.00% plus $0.04
  • American Express has decreased its rate for Credit Non-Swipe Tier 0 Non-US cards under the “Restaurant” interchange program to 2.30% plus $0.04

New American Express Interchange Fees

  • American Express has deleted its “Bars / Caterer” interchange program and all of its accompanying rates
  • American Express has deleted its “Lodging” interchange program and all of its accompanying rates
  • American Express has deleted its “Mail Order & Internet” interchange program and all of its accompanying rates
  • American Express has added a Credit Base Tier 0 rate of 1.60% plus $0.04 to its “Services & Professional Services” interchange program
  • American Express has added a Credit Non-Swipe Tier 0 rate of 1.90% plus $0.04 to its “Services & Professional Services” interchange program
  • American Express has added a Credit Tier 0 Non-US rate of 2.00% plus $0.04 to its “Services & Professional Services” interchange program
  • American Express has added a Credit Non-Swipe Tier 0 Non-US rate of 2.30% plus $0.04 to its “Services & Professional Services” interchange program
  • American Express has added a “vPayments” interchange program that is designed primarily for use in an automated accounts payable environment for Commercial card accounts
  • American Express has added a Credit Base rate of 1.89% plus $0.10 to its “vPayments” interchange program
  • American Express has added a Credit Non-US rate of 2.29% plus $0.10 to its “vPayments” interchange program

American Express Interchange Summary

American Express increased a large number of its credit card rates, especially within its “Business to Business / Wholesale” interchange program. It also deleted a few interchange programs and moved their MCCs to other existing programs such as Retail, Restaurant, and Travel & Entertainment. American Express does not make its OptBlue pricing matrix available to the general public.

Are you paying different rates than the ones released by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express? Find and eliminate hidden fees with our free independent statement audit.

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